Activities of the Reading Room and Affiliate of the «Prosvita» in the Town of Sniatyn (late XIXth – early XXth centuries)

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Andrii Korolko


Тhe statutes of «Prosvita» concerning organization of activity affiliates and reading rooms of the company are analyzed. Affiliates and reading rooms of «Prosvita» were to become centers of cultural revival for Ukranians of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
In Sniatyn county there was the worst situation with the establishment of reading rooms of «Prosvita» in Pokuttia at late XIXth century. In the town of Sniatyn the reading room of «Prosvita» (it has 48 members) was opened only in 1898. In the first years the reading room community developed poorly due to the strong positions of the Ukrainian Radical Party and other Ukrainian cultural and educational associations of the town.
At early XXth century the work of the reading room of «Prosvita» in Sniatyn was intensified: evenings with dances were organized, a new choir was created and new performances were staged.
The foundation of the affiliate in 1909 became the apogee of practical activity of the reading rooms in Snyatyn county. There were three sections in the affiliate: reader; theater and concert; educational. In May 1912, the affiliate approved a program of educational work in Sniatyn county. Affiliate members checked the reading rooms, organized lectures, educational and economic conferences, courses, folk festivals, amateur performances and evenings. The library of the affiliate of «Prosvita» was established in Snyatyn.
In 1914 there were seven sections of the affiliate of «Prosvita»: reader; national holidays, folk festivals and amateur performances; «Renaissance» (educational); cooperative; publishing; combating illiteracy; anniversary. At the request of the affiliate, committees were set up in March 1914 in the villages of Sniatyn county to prepare the celebration of Taras Shevchenko’s centenary. On May 10, 1914, of the affiliate of «Prosvita» in Sniatyn organized a county holiday to mark the occasion of T. Shevchenko’s anniversary.
Famous Ukrainian writer and public figure Vasyl Stefanyk took an active part in the work of the affiliate. He was a co-founder of the affiliate of company, worked on the promotion of cultural and educational work of «Prosvita».

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How to Cite
Korolko, A. (2020). Activities of the Reading Room and Affiliate of the «Prosvita» in the Town of Sniatyn (late XIXth – early XXth centuries). History Journal of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, (51), 25–37. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Andrii Korolko, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

PhD in History, Associate Professor, the Department of History of Ukraine


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Chytalnia «Prosvity» v Sniatyni rozvyvaie sia duzhe harno … [Reading room of «Prosvita» in the town of Snyatyn is developing very well], in «Svoboda. Politychne, prosvitne i hospodarske pysmo dlia narodu», 1901, 15 (28) liutoho, ch. 7, s. 2.

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Dnia 9 liutoho s. r. vidbuly sia v Sniatyni vechernytsi v chest Tarasa Shevchenka ustroieni tovarystvom «Nauka» … [A celebratory evening in honor of Taras Shevchenko took place in Snyatyn on February 9, organized by the society «Science»], in «Dilo», 1896, 19 liutoho (2 marta), ch. 38, s. 3.

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Z Sniatyna pyshut nam: «Nasha duma, nasha pisnia ne vmre, ne zahyne, y ozhyve dobra slava, slava Ukrainy» … [From the town of Snyatyn to write: «Our word, our song, will not die, will not perish, and the good, glory of Ukraine will come to life»], in «Dilo», 1896, 10 (22) serpnia, ch. 179, s. 3.

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