Periodicals of Volyn and Rivne Regions (1939–1941) as a Source to Studying the Transformation of Education

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Valentyna Dobrochynska


The article deals with the transformation of education in Volyn and Rivne regions in1939–1941, after the accession of Western Ukrainian lands to Soviet Ukraine through the prism of local periodicals. The publications devoted to the Sovietization of the education system in the first bolshevik newspapers «Chervona zirka»,«Vilna pratsia», «Radianska Volyn», «Chervonyi prapor», «Bilshovytskyi shliakh» have been analyzed. The role of periodicals as an important historical source of the Soviet epoch, which reflect the policy of the state in the field of education has been clarified. In a totalitarian society, newspapers have become a convenient and effective ideological mouthpiece for the Communist Party, as well as a means of communicating for party and state governing bodies with the local population.
In the first months of social transformation in Western Ukraine, newspapers covered current issues in the educational area. The restructuring of the education system began with the reorganization of educational establishments, the Ukrainianisation, and the introduction of new curricula and textbooks, which were supervised by a Lviv commission comprised of local teachers. An attention is drawn to the popularization in the newspapers the national genre – chastivky (Russian chastushki), that have promoted the benefits of Sovietization of education. The measures of the Soviet power to overcome illiteracy among the adult population through the creation of training courses and workshops have been explained.
The methods and forms of disciplinary ideological work in the educational field were traced through newspaper publications. The role of public Komsomol organizations in instilling communist ideology and atheism policy among teachers has been emphasized. The article highlights the system of communist upbringing of schoolchildren, various ways of instilling Soviet propaganda in the educational space. The promotion of militarism and reactivation of military and physical work at school have been analyzed. In the study the place was allocated to the formation of a network of teacher training institutions.

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How to Cite
Dobrochynska, V. (2020). Periodicals of Volyn and Rivne Regions (1939–1941) as a Source to Studying the Transformation of Education. History Journal of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, (51), 97–103. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Valentyna Dobrochynska, Rivne State University of Humanities

PhD in Historу, Associate Professor in the Department of History of Ukraine


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V. Barash, Komsomolska orhanizatsiia v shkoli [Komsomol organization at school], in «Chervonyi prapor» (Rivne), 1940, 30 lystopada.

B. Biletskyi, Po-novomu vyruie zhyttia [Life is raging in a new way], in «Vilna pratsia» (Lutsk), 1939, 10 zhovtnia.

O. Bilousov, Pro deiaki momenty komunistychnoho vykhovannia v shkoli [About some moments of communist education in school], in «Chervonyi prapor» (Rivne), 1940, 21 lystopada.

Vid pochatkovoho do zahalnoho serednoho navchannia [From elementary to general secondary education], in «Radianska Volyn» (Lutsk), 1940, 14 serpnia.

F. Horbenko, Chomu vidstaie Berestovetska shkola [Why is Berestovetska school lagging behind], in «Bilshovytskyi shliakh» (Kostopil), 1941, 5 bereznia.

V. Demidov, Oboronna robota v shkoli [Defensive work at the school], in «Bilshovytskyi shliakh» (Kostopil), 1941, 2 bereznia.

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Za dilovu dopomohu komsomolu shkolam [For business assistance to Komsomol schools], in «Radianska Volyn» (Lutsk), 1940, 14 serpnia.

Krashche orhanizovuvaty platni lektsii [It is better to organize paid lectures], in «Chervonyi prapor» (Rivne), 1940, 23 lystopada.

Ledukhovska silskohospodarska shkola [Ledukhovska agricultural School], in «Radianska Volyn» (Lutsk), 1940, 17 serpnia.

Molod likviduie svoiu nepysmennist [The youth eliminates their illiteracy], in «Radianska Volyn» (Lutsk), 1940, 22 serpnia.

Naperedodni ispytiv [A day before exams], in «Radianska Volyn» (Lutsk), 1940, 16 travnia.

Narada aktyvu uchnivskykh stinhazet [The meeting of asset of student wallpapers], in «Chervonyi prapor» (Rivne), 1940, 30 lystopada.

Narada aktyvu shkilnoi presy [The meeting of asset of school press], in «Chervonyi prapor» (Rivne), 1940, 1 hrudnia.

Oholoshennia [An advertisement], in «Chervonyi prapor» (Rivne), 1940, 30 travnia.

Oholoshennia [An advertisement], in «Chervonyi prapor» (Rivne), 1940, 22 chervnia.

Oholoshennia [An advertisement], in «Radianska Volyn» (Lutsk), 1941, 17 kvitnia.

Oholoshennia [An advertisement], in «Radianska Volyn» (Lutsk), 1941, 24 kvitnia.

Pidruchnyky dlia shkil Zakhidnoi Ukrainy [Textbooks for schools in Western Ukraine], in «Vilna pratsia» (Lutsk), 1939, 10 zhovtnia.

Pro spilnu robotu komsomoltsiv i vchyteliv u shkoli [About the teamwork of the Komsomol students and teachers in the school], in «Radianska Volyn» (Lutsk), 1940, 14 serpnia.

Robota shkoly perebudovana [The school work is rebuilt], in «Chervona zirka» (Rivne), 1939, 28 hrudnia.

S. Susid, Novi znachkisty HSO [New icons of RSD], in «Chervonyi prapor» (Rivne), 1940, 5 hrudnia.

Chastushky [Chastushki], in «Chervonyi prapor» (Rivne), 1939, 21 hrudnia.

Shkilni biblioteky m. Lutska [School libraries in Lutsk], in «Radianska Volyn» (Lutsk), 1940, 21 serpnia.

O. Shtyk, Orhanizuiemo shkoly dlia doroslykh [Let`s organize schools for adults], in «Vilna pratsia» (Lutsk), 1940, 26 sichnia.

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