Foreign Historiography of Socio-political and Cultural and Educational Activities of Ukrainian Literary Inteligentsia in Galicia and Bukovyna (end of XIX – beginning of XX century)

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Mykola Huivaniuk


The article presents an analysis of foreign historiography of socio-political and culturaleducational activities of the Ukrainian literary intelligentsia of Galicia and Bukovyna in the late XIX - early XX centuries.
The author examines the works of Polish, Austrian, Romanian, German and Russian historians. Among the representatives of foreign historiography, Polish researchers showed the greatest interest in the problems considered in the study. Some evaluative works appeared under the pen of Polish historianscontemporaries of the studied events: F. Buyak, V. Feldman, L. Vasylevsky, F. Podleski, who believed that the Austrian government pursued a more loyal policy to the Ukrainian movement than to their opponents. Muscovites, so Ukrainian figures, including many writers, had better conditions for activity.
Modern Polish historiography also has some achievements in the study of the personalities of individual representatives of the literary intelligentsia. In particular, it is worth noting the research of E. Vishnevska, V. Mokri, J. Mokliak, M. Vavzhonek and R. Tomchyk, who approached the problem more objectively.Austrian researchers A. Kappeler, G. Binder, M. Moser and A-Veronica Venland showed some interest in the issues raised in this article.
Austrian researchers also have some experience in the field of literary criticism and personalization, where the object of their scientific interests are the figures of individual Ukrainian writers.
Representatives of Russian historical science made a peculiar contribution to the historiography of the problem. The works of Russian researchers are based on the ideologues of the ruling in different periods of Russian statehood. But all of them are united mainly by distorted coverage and negative assessment of the activities of certain figures of the Ukrainian national movement and their views on the issues of Ukrainian statehood. The problem of the Ukrainian literary intelligentsia in the socio-political life of Galicia and Bukovyna in Romanian historiography, unfortunately, has not yet found a significant reflection. There is also no mention of the Galician intelligentsia in the general works of Romanian researchers.

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How to Cite
Huivaniuk, M. (2020). Foreign Historiography of Socio-political and Cultural and Educational Activities of Ukrainian Literary Inteligentsia in Galicia and Bukovyna (end of XIX – beginning of XX century). History Journal of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, (51), 113–123. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Mykola Huivaniuk, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

PhD in History, Associate Professor, the Department of History of Ukraine


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