Traditional Occupations and Culture of Hutsuls: Issues of Preservation and Revival (late 20th and early 21st century)

Main Article Content

Halyna Melnychuk


The article is dedicated to the issue of the development and revival of ethno cultural landscape of Hutsul area (Hutsulshchyna) and its unique peculiarities such as traditions, folk handicrafts, mode of life and culture. The author of the article proves that it is necessary to preserve material and spiritual culture, which enables local population, young generation in particular, not to forget its traditions and get extra material benefits.
It is stated, that sweeping development of communication causes transformation of consciousness and established values. While the society sympathizes with live antiquities, the inhabitants of the regions with traditional culture display great aspiration for modernization of their environment and mode of life in general. In spite of that, the population of Hutsulshchyna has preserved centuries-old traditional occupations, customs and rites.
Over the past decades, Hutsuls classify traditional pastoral professions of a herdsman (vivchar, bovhar), chieftain and deputy as the high priority ones. Processing of animal products, that is, bryndza- (salty cheese with characteristic strong smell and taste), vurda- (whey cheese) and budz-making (smoked Hutsul cheese), cheese-horses and other kinds of traditional occupations of Hutsuls have been forming their mode of life and outlook for a long stretch of time.
Reduction of pastoral management negatively affected culture of Hutsuls, which has lost a great deal of its original ethnographic features: the trembita and pipe sounds, availability of quite a number of flocks of sheep and unique log cabins. Lizhnyk-making and Easter egg decoration play a prominent role among traditional handicrafts and then only in a few villages of the eastern part of the region.
Ethno-folklore festivals, master classes, engagement of youth in perception of the traditional Hutsul culture show ethno cultural activity of contemporary Hutsuls.

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How to Cite
Melnychuk, H. (2020). Traditional Occupations and Culture of Hutsuls: Issues of Preservation and Revival (late 20th and early 21st century). History Journal of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, (51), 124–132. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Halyna Melnychuk, Kosiv Institute of Applied and Decorative Arts of Lviv National Academy of Arts

PhD in History, Assistant Professor of the Department of History of Art and Liberal Sciences


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