Emergence of the First Jewish Societies and Formation of the Jewish Society Movement in Bukovyna in the 1850s – 1870s

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Mykola Kushnir


The article attempts to analyze the origins of the Jewish society movement in Bukovyna, which developed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The research focuses on conditions and circumstances of the formation in the late 1850s of the first purely Jewish societies, which, meanwhile, became the first monoethnic voluntary associations of the region. Their creation was initiated by progressive-minded representatives of Chernivtsi Jewry, who were a minority in the local Jewish religious community and were forced to unite in social structures independent of this community to pursue their own interests. Similarly, societies as a new form of social interaction emerged even where there was no Jewish self-governing community. The activities of the first Jewish societies were aimed at addressing the most urgent daily needs of their members, related to religious worship and assistance to those in particularly difficult life circumstances. It is worth mentioning that both Jewish men and women stood at the origins of the Jewish society movement in the region. In particular, women were the moving force of the oldest Jewish association that was established in Chernivtsi in 1857 and aimed at social support of Jewish schoolchildren.
While there were urgent problems, which solution required joining forces of representatives of the Jewish community, relatively early appearance of Jewish societies in Bukovyna can be also explained by existence of appropriate experience, which rooted in the national tradition of Jews.
As the legal system of the Habsburg monarchy liberalized, these societies further expanded into the Jewish ethnic group of the region. In the late 1870s, the first Jewish society was established, which set national and cultural goals. Its practical activities were directed not only at its members but also at the Jewish ethnic group in general. It is proposed to consider this event as a starting point in a process of formation of the organized society movement, where each existing and new association occupied its own niche and was subject to the logic and laws of functioning of the higher-ranked system.

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How to Cite
Kushnir, M. (2024). Emergence of the First Jewish Societies and Formation of the Jewish Society Movement in Bukovyna in the 1850s – 1870s. History Journal of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, (59), 6–14. Retrieved from https://www.hj.chnu.edu.ua/hj/article/view/286
Author Biography

Mykola Kushnir, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

Postgraduate Student, Department of History Ukraine, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University,

Director of the Chernivtsi Museum of the History and Culture of Bukovynian Jews (on a non-profit basis)


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