The Impact of the First World War on the Course of Historical Events in Ukraine and in the World in the 20th Century

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Mykhailo Yurii


The events of the First World War contributed to the birth of Bolshevism and fascism. In fact, this war was a prelude to the Second World War. The First World War is rightfully considered the initial catastrophe of the 20th century due to the drastic changes it caused, as well as due to the consequences that appeared a long time after the war. With the end of the First World War, the era of empires ended. During the First World War, man encountered modern weapons and new technology for the first time. It was a war of masses and machines. Before the war, as well as at its beginning, people had no idea how long it would last and what it would look like. After a happy time of peace, the war was an extraordinary shock. Millions of people, almost a whole generation, did not return from the front, and those who returned were neither physically nor mentally healthy. The First World War marked the beginning of the 20th century. It was a turning point in European thinking, for which it seemed that everything that was before began to appear as a moral and cultural impasse, since this war marked the beginning of an era of violence and totalitarianism. Soldiers went to war as heroes, and returned defeated and humiliated. Significantly gender roles changed as the emancipation process was launched during the war.
The result of the First World War was the collapse of empires and the emergence of new states and state entities with their latest ideologies and identities. Hatred of other nations – something new for the people of that time – became a state doctrine. The First World War was the first war in which state propaganda mobilized all the media of the time (newspapers, film magazines, posters) to incite hatred. Humanistic ideals failed, and the state, based on the impure, educated the next generations. In this way, the political, ideological and psychological foundations for the birth of Bolshevism and National Socialism were laid.

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How to Cite
Yurii, M. (2024). The Impact of the First World War on the Course of Historical Events in Ukraine and in the World in the 20th Century. History Journal of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, (59), 41–48. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Mykhailo Yurii, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

Doctor of History, Professor, Department of History of Ukraine


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