The Necessity of Forming National Historical Narratives and their Interconnection with Economic Policy
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The study of theoretical foundations and justification of the need to take into account when implementing economic policy the influence of national historical narratives (interpretation of information about the history of the state) on the thinking and behaviour of subjects of socio-economic relations and the functioning of the economy, in general, was carried out. It is recognized that the prerequisite for socio-economic development is a change in the behaviour and activity of economic subjects, which is primarily caused by a change in people’s thinking. It is noted that the formation of a certain way of thinking and worldview of citizens can be ensured based on clear arrangement and purposeful presentation of information by creating appropriate narratives. It is emphasized that the factor of history has a significant influence on the creation of the moral and psychological climate of society, people’s emotions and thinking, and, accordingly, on the formation of motivation and behaviour. It is indicated that if the information about history is mainly negative, tragic, and distorted, then the consequence of this may be the adoption of panic or populist economic decisions, which will not contribute to ensuring macroeconomic and macro-financial stability and economic development. If the information about the history is mainly positive, life-affirming, and objective, then this will contribute to the increase of public attitudes, the level of confidence, and the degree of satisfaction of people, which will become an incentive for citizens to engage in various activities and carry out more creative, innovative, and productive activities, in particular ensuring the efficient functioning of the economy and achieving the effectiveness of economic policy in general. It is noted that conducting economic policy interaction with other types of state policy (such as social, humanitarian, information, and institutional policies, and state policy in the field of marketing and branding, etc.) must be carried out in conjunction with the process of creating and spreading national historical meta-grand narratives. The formation and subsequent dissemination of these narratives (interpretation of information about history) is one of the key factors influencing the improvement of the moral, psychological, and emotional state of society, which is an important condition for ensuring the effectiveness of economic policy. The influence of national historical narratives and moral values on the emotions and peculiarities of the thinking of citizens, first of all, can affect the change in the behaviour of economic subjects and the efficiency of their activities (for example, the creation of one’s own business (start-up), the development of civil society, self-realization in the field of culture, art, science, various creative industries, etc.).
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