Excerpts on the history of origin and activities of the phosphate plant in the village of Nezvysko in Pokuttia during the interwar period (1919-1939)

social and economic aspect


  • Olha Levkun Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University




Nezvysko phosphates, Pokuttia, phosphate mine, «Tykhyi Don», Kalush Joint-Stock Company TESP, Royal Castle, Ignacy Mostcicky


The Towarnitsky brothers from Lviv owned that enterprise. It was the only production of phosphate mineral fertilizers in Western Ukraine. There were 1,846 inhabitants in the village. The Polish community numbered 248 people. Here were their furriers, locksmiths, painters, tinsmiths, milkmen, weavers. In Nezvysko, there was a post office and a police station. Polish king Ignacy Svincicki held a conference on November 29, 1929, on the large mining of Nezvysko phosphates at the Royal Castle of Warsaw. Subsequently, the allocated funds in the amount of PLN 250,000 were successfully utilized. Laboratory studies were carried out, an estimate was made, a truck was purchased, a long-term plan for the construction of a railway track from the village of Korshiv to Nezvysko was determined for delivering ore to nitrogen factories in Poland. These enterprises planned to buy 60,000 tons of phosphates. It was planned to extract up to 80,000 tons of ore in Nezvysko annually. In 1929, the plant became state property. Trial operations of the mines were mastered by workers of the Kalush Joint-Stock Company TESP, who lived in a large house in the center of the village. Hard work made the workers go on strike on July 27, 1923, demanding a reduction of the working day, an increase in wages by 50 percent. Phosphates were first studied by Austrian mining engineer Adolf Pauli in 1886 on Mount Red. During World War I, great battles took place there and many houses were burned and destroyed, the bridge over the Dnister River was destroyed as well. And although life somehow changed for the better, the peasants did not perceive the occupation of Western Ukraine lands by the Polish authorities. The Poles, by force of police, law, terror, established new rules and orders for Pokuttia. The policy of settling (colonization), census, assimilation, legalized Polish rule in Galicia. Researchers from the Lviv Polytechnic Institute have confirmed the efficiency of the production of phosphorus fertilizers from raw materials in Nezvysko. However, the implementation of major plans was affected by the general crisis and the conditions for the ecological development of the Second Polish Republic. The failure of the banking system to finance a large production in Nezvysko led to the disruption of the implementation of the Development of Nezvysko Phosphates royal program. It was not implemented until September 17, 1939, the time when the Red Army launched an action to «liberate Western Ukraine and Western Belarus» in accordance with the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. The plan for the construction of a railway track from Korshiv (near Kolomyia) to Nezvysko was not implemented either.

With the help of documents from the Ivano-Frankivsk archives, we analyze the socio-economic situation of Nezvysko as part of Pokuttia in the interwar period.

Author Biography

Olha Levkun, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

Post-graduate student, the Faculty of History, Political Science and International Relations, journalist


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DAIFO. Nakazy Horodenkivskoho povitu nachalnyka pro pryznachennia i zvilnennia strazhnykiv ta inshykh politseiskykh chyniv i yikh spysky DAIFO. Orders of Horodenka County Chief on the appointment and dismissal of guards and other police officers and their lists, F. 15, op. 1, od. zb. 7, ark. 20.

DAIFO. Nakazy Horodenkivskoho povitu nachalnyka pro pryznachennia i zvilnennia strazhnykiv ta inshykh politseiskykh chyniv i yikh spysky DAIFO. Orders of Horodenka County Chief on the appointment and dismissal of guards and other police officers and their lists, F. 15, op. 1, od. zb. 7, ark. 109-111.

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DAIFO. Lystuvannia z politseiskymy uriadnykamy pro pryznachennia posadovykh osib mistsevoho samovriaduvannia v poviti DAIFO. Correspondence with police officers on the appointment of local government officials in the county, F. 15, op. 1, od. zb. 32, ark. 37.

DAIFO. Lystuvannia z politseiskymy administratyvnymy orhanamy pro vydilennia robochoi syly ta huzhovoho transportu na budivelni roboty, lisozahotivli DAIFO. Correspondence with police administrative bodies on the allocation of labor and carts for construction work, logging, F. 15, op. 1, od. zb. 26, ark. 180.

DAIFO. Lystuvannia z politseiskymy administratyvnymy orhanamy pro vydilennia robochoi syly ta huzhovoho transportu na budivelni roboty, lisozahotivli DAIFO. Correspondence with police administrative bodies on the allocation of labor and carts for construction work, logging, F. 15, op. 1, od. zb. 26, ark. 192.

DAIFO. Lystuvannia z politseiskymy administratyvnymy orhanamy pro vydilennia robochoi syly ta huzhovoho transportu na budivelni roboty, lisozahotivli DAIFO. Correspondence with the police administrative bodies on the allocation of labor and road transport on construction, logging, F. 15, op. 1, od. zb. 26, ark. 209.

DAIFO. Lystuvannia z politseiskymy administratyvnymy orhanamy pro vydilennia robochoi syly ta huzhovoho transportu na budivelni roboty, lisozahotivli DAIFO. Correspondence with the police administrative bodies on the allocation of labor and road transport on construction, logging, F. 15, op. 1, od. zb. 26, ark. 211.

DAIFO. Lystuvannia z politseiskymy administratyvnymy orhanamy pro vydilennia robochoi syly ta huzhovoho transportu na budivelni roboty, lisozahotivli DAIFO. Correspondence with the police administrative bodies on the allocation of labor and road transport on construction, logging, F. 15, op. 1, od. zb. 26, ark. 270.

DAIFO. Lystuvannia z politseiskymy administratyvnymy orhanamy pro vydilennia robochoi syly ta huzhovoho transportu na budivelni roboty, lisozahotivli DAIFO. Correspondence with the police administrative bodies on the allocation of labor and road transport on construction, logging, F. 15, op. 1, od. zb. 26, ark. 270.

DAIFO. Perepyska z prykhodom sela Nezvyska z pytan prodazhu tserkovnoi zemli i splaty podatkiv DAIFO. Correspondence with the parish of Nezviska on the sale of church land and payment of taxes, F. 504, op. 1, od. zb. 923, ark. 43.

DAIFO. Kopii protokoliv zasidan Vykonavchoho komitetu Nezvysk pro rezultaty doslidzhennia, pro khid burinnia i rozrobky fosforytnykh rodovyshch v seli Nezvysko Horodenkivskoho povitu DAIFO. Copies of the minutes of the meetings of the Executive Committee of Nezvysk on the results of the study, on the progress of drilling and development of phosphorite deposits in the village of Nezvysko, Horodenka district F. 61, op. 1, od. zb.23, ark. 9-30.

DAIFO. Stanislavske okruzhne hirske upravlinnia «Lystuvannia z Pauli Adolfom pro vydachu dozvolu na vyshukuvalni roboty v s. Nezvysko Horodenkivskoho povitu» (28 lypnia 1886 – 11 hruden 1887 rr.) DAIFO. Stanislavsky District Mining Administration «Correspondence with Pauli Adolf on the issuance of a permit for exploration work in the village. Nezvysko of Horodenka County» (July 28, 1886 - December 11, 1887), F. 47, op. 2, od. zb. 51, ark. 20.

DAIFO. «Lystuvannia z dyrektorom «Banku hospodarskoho kraiovoho» pro finansuvannia robit po ekspluatatsii rodovyshcha fosforytiv s.Nezvysku ta inshykh finansovykh pytan» DAIFO. «Correspondence with the director of the «Regional Economic Bank» on the financing of the operation of the phosphorite deposit in the village of Nezviska and other financial issues», F. 61, op. 1, od. zb. 79, ark. 72.

DAIFO. «Lystuvannia z dyrektorom «Banku hospodarskoho kraiovoho» pro finansuvannia robit po ekspluatatsii rodovyshcha fosforytiv s.Nezvysku ta inshykh finansovykh pytan» DAIFO. «Correspondence with the director of the «Regional Economic Bank» on the financing of the operation of the phosphorite deposit in the village of Nezviska and other financial issues», F. 61, op. 1, od. zb. 79, ark. 73.

DAIFO. «Lystuvannia z dyrektorom «Banku hospodarskoho kraiovoho» pro finansuvannia robit po ekspluatatsii rodovyshcha fosforytiv s.Nezvysku ta inshykh finansovykh pytan» DAIFO. «Correspondence with the director of the «Regional Economic Bank» on the financing of the operation of the phosphorite deposit in the village of Nezviska and other financial issues», F. 61, op. 1, od. zb. 79, ark. 122.

DAIFO. «Lystuvannia z dyrektorom «Banku hospodarskoho kraiovoho» pro finansuvannia robit po ekspluatatsii rodovyshcha fosforytiv s.Nezvysku ta inshykh finansovykh pytan» DAIFO. «Correspondence with the director of the «Regional Economic Bank» on the financing of the operation of the phosphorite deposit in the village of Nezviska and other financial issues», F. 61, op. 1, od. zb. 79, ark. 107-109.

DAIFO. «Lystuvannia z dyrektorom «Banku hospodarskoho kraiovoho» pro finansuvannia robit po ekspluatatsii rodovyshcha fosforytiv s.Nezvysku ta inshykh finansovykh pytan» DAIFO. «Correspondence with the director of the «Regional Economic Bank» on the financing of the operation of the phosphorite deposit in the village of Nezviska and other financial issues», F. 61, op. 1, od. zb. 79, ark. 73.

DAIFO. Aktsionerne tovarystvo (TESP m.Lviv). «Tyzhnevi statystychni zvity pratsi i vypusku produktsii z fosforytnoi kopalni v s. Nezvysko Horodenkivskoho povitu za 1928-1929 roky» DAIFO. Joint Stock Company (TESP, Lviv). «Weekly statistical reports of labor and output from the phosphorite mine in the village. Nezvysko of Horodenka district for 1928-1929 », F. 61, op. 1, od. zb. 25, ark. 36.

DAIFO. Zvity inzhenera Konkevycha Stanislava pro khid vyshukuvalnykh robit rodovyshcha fosforytu v seli Nezvysko Horodenkivskoho povitu DAIFO. Reports engineer Stanislav Konkevycha on the progress of development works in the village of phosphorite deposits Nezvysko Horodenkivsky County, F. 61, op. 1, od. zb. 20, ark. 1-14.

DAIFO. Khimichni analizy fosforytiv, yaki vydobuvaiutsia v seli Nezvysko Horodenkivskoho povitu DAIFO. Chemical analyzes of phosphates, which are produced in the village Nezvysko Horodenkivsky County, F. 61, op. 1, od. zb. 64, ark. 3-10.

DAIFO. Tovarystvo z obmezhenoiu vidpovidalnistiu po ekspluatatsii kaliinykh solei «TESP» m.Lviv. Lystuvannia z hirskym inzhenerom S.Kontkevychem pro provedennia heoloho-rozviduvalnykh robit rodovyshcha fosforytu v seli Nezvysko Horodenkivskoho povitu DAIFO. TESP Potash Salts Limited Liability Company, Lviv. Correspondence with S.Kontkevychem mining engineer to conduct exploration work in the village of phosphorite deposits Nezvysko Horodenkivsky County, F. 61, op. 1, od. zb. 35, ark. 1-6.

DAIFO. Tovarystvo z obmezhenoiu vidpovidalnistiu po ekspluatatsii kaliinykh solei «TESP» m.Lviv. Lystuvannia z hirskym inzhenerom S.Kontkevychem pro provedennia heoloho-rozviduvalnykh robit rodovyshcha fosforytu v seli Nezvysko Horodenkivskoho povitu DAIFO. TESP Potash Salts Limited Liability Company, Lviv. Correspondence with S.Kontkevychem mining engineer to conduct exploration work in the village of phosphorite deposits Nezvysko Horodenkivsky County, F. 61, op. 1, od. zb. 35, ark. 2.



How to Cite

Левкун, О. (2020). Excerpts on the history of origin and activities of the phosphate plant in the village of Nezvysko in Pokuttia during the interwar period (1919-1939): social and economic aspect. History Journal of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, (52), 118-133. https://doi.org/10.31861/hj2020.52.118-133