Vocational schooling in Rivne through the prism of the nazi educational policy (1941–1944)


  • Valentyna Dobrochynska Rivne State University of Humanities
  • Vitalii Pivovarchuk Rivne State University of Humanities




World War II, Reich Commissariat «Ukraine», Rivne, occupation authorities, education, vocational school, curriculum, student, teacher


The article examines the implementation of the Nazi educational policy in vocational schooling on the occupied Ukrainian areas during World War II. The orders and directives of the German authorities according to the organization of vocational schools for the training of specialists for various sectors of the economy have been analyzed. Localized interest is focused on Rivne – the administrative center of the Reich Commissariat «Ukraine». For a deeper understanding of the organization and management of the educational system, the authors have showed the administrative subordination at the level of the German leadership and local Ukrainian authorities. It was noted that at the initial level of the Nazi occupation, the city department of education was guided by its own orders to open vocational schools and ensure the educational process, and later it used only the instructions of the German authorities.

The dynamics of the development of vocational schooling during the occupation period has been observed and the professional training of qualified specialists has been analyzed. The role of local authorities in the logistics of vocational schools in wartime has been highlighted. Attention is paid to curricula for different types of educational institutions, the number of students, teaching staff and tariffs for teaching.

In Rivne, there were nine schools of two levels - primary and secondary. The trade and technical schools were the largest secondary vocational schools among them. In addition to these, there were seven other schools – industrial, music, school of housekeeping, nurses and midwives, pharmaceutical, knitting workshop and electrical. At the same time, public organizations arranged the short-term training courses for accountants, heads and educators of kindergartens.

It was proved that the Nazi authorities, guided by their own strategic goal, saw the training of qualified specialists in the occupied territories as a new source of replenishment of workers who would work in the interests of the Reich.

Author Biographies

Valentyna Dobrochynska, Rivne State University of Humanities

PhD in History, Associate Professor in the Department of History of Ukraine

Vitalii Pivovarchuk, Rivne State University of Humanities

PhD in History, Associate Professor in the Department of History of Ukraine


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How to Cite

Доброчинська, В., & Півоварчук, В. (2020). Vocational schooling in Rivne through the prism of the nazi educational policy (1941–1944). History Journal of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, (52), 134-142. https://doi.org/10.31861/hj2020.52.134-142