The Formation and Reorganzation Procesеs of Ternopil Eparchy Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church


  • Igor Drapak John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin; Patriarch Yosyf Slipyi Ternopil Higher Spiritual Seminary



The processes of formation and reorganization of Ternopil eparchy are reviewed in thisarticle. The existence of church life on the territory of modern Ternopil region reaches the beginnings of Christianity in Kyiv Rus, however, the center of eparchy in Ternopil was founded for the first time just in the early 90’s of XX century.

All administrative structures of Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UCCC) were liquidated in Soviet period of its history.

In Soviet times clandestine ministry of priests played a key role in the preservation and development of the UGCC on the modern Ternopil eparchy territory. Therefore, after Church legalization, the restoration of existing administrative structures and creation of new ones took place, due to necessity of its normal functioning. Four new eparchies: Ternopil, Zboriv, Sambir-Drohobych and Kolomyia-Chernivtsi have been formed in the period of UGCC revival.

The formation of administrative structures of Ternopil eparchy included two stages. The first one – formation of deaneries in district centers – took place before official proclamation of eparchy organization. The second one included appointment of the first bishop Mykhail Sabryha and curia, deaneries, eparchial seminary and other auxiliary structures formation. It took place after official edict of eparchy formation.

Ternopil-Zboriv and Buchach eparchies were formed because of Ternopil eparchy reorganization. Then due to the persistent work of the clergy and people these two were united into Ternopil-Zboriv Metropolitanate.

Keywords: Ternopil eparchy, administrative structures, metropolitan, Ukrainian Greek CatholicChurch

Author Biography

Igor Drapak, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin; Patriarch Yosyf Slipyi Ternopil Higher Spiritual Seminary

Postgraduate Student; Teacher


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How to Cite

Drapak, I. (2018). The Formation and Reorganzation Procesеs of Ternopil Eparchy Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. History Journal of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, (47), 98-104.