Problems of international governance in the middle east during the cold war period

(on published documents and modern cinema digital collection)




Middle East, Great Britain, USA, USSR, Israel, Egypt, Lebanon, Cold War, supply of weapons, digital cinema collections


The article is devoted to little-known aspects of the political and military developments in the Middle East during the Cold War – from the division of Palestine into two states and until the mid-1950s. The focus is on the confrontation between the two superpowers of the United States and the USSR for their influence on Arab countries.

This article uses little-known documentary material, as well as the display of some of the described international events in contemporary film documentaries.

It was clarified that in the investigated period the first steps of the policy of large foreign military aid and cooperation on development issues in the Middle East were carried out, first of all, on the part of the USSR and the USA. It was emphasized in particular that then two international coalitions were formed – the monarchical Arab regimes and Israel were supported by the official Washington, and the national revolutionary regimes, where the military forces came to power (Egypt, Syria), cooperated with Moscow.

Keywords: Middle East, Great Britain, USA, USSR, Israel, Egypt, Lebanon, Cold War, supply of weapons, digital cinema collections

Author Biography

Volodymyr Fisanov, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

Doctor of History, Professor, Head of international information


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How to Cite

Fisanov, V. (2019). Problems of international governance in the middle east during the cold war period: (on published documents and modern cinema digital collection). History Journal of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, (49), 101-108.