Development of Ukrainian-Moldavian Relations in 1650


  • Lily Drobina Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University



The current article analyzes the situation in Ukrainian-Moldavian relations by way of studying diplomatic relations in the region.

Moldavian principality played an important role in developing the Liberation war of the Ukrainian people in the mid-seventeenth century and formation of the Ukrainian statehood. Among the factors that determined the Cossack elite interest in rapprochement with the Moldavian prince, the desire to bring it to the anti-Polish coalition occupied the most important place.

The events of 1648 in Ukraine radically changed the plans of all interested parties. The Cossack-Polish battles in 1648 clearly showed the growing influence of the Tatar factor in the region. Rzeczpospolita actively participated in creation of the anti-Turkey alliance. The development of Ukrainian-Moldavian relations depended on the ability of neighbors to establish diplomatic relations. Even distant Moscow-Polish relations had impact on the Ukrainian-Moldavian politics.

The Polish diplomats tried to divide the Ukrainian-Moscow alliance. Preparation for war with Muscovy continued in the level of diplomatic services. Adam Kysil, as the representative of the Polish parliament, was sent for talks with Bohdan Khmelnytskyi.

However, the danger for Ukraine increased due to the fact that tycoons had a faithful ally that was the Moldavian master. That is why Khmelnytskyi rushed to protect their borders from outside Moldavia by dissolution of the union of the principality with Poland and converting it to his ally.

The Moldavian principality was not able to play an independent role in the conflicts between its neighbors, but it was important for the fighting sides to be in control of it due to strategic and territorial considerations.

Keywords: Moldavia, Crimean Khanate, Ottoman Empire, B. Khmelnytskyi, Cossacks, Lupu, horde, diplomatic relations, coalition

Author Biography

Lily Drobina, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

Assistant Professor of the Department of History of Ukraine


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How to Cite

Drobina, L. (2017). Development of Ukrainian-Moldavian Relations in 1650. History Journal of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, (45), 18-25.