Political events and social life of Bukovyna in 1919


  • Ihor Piddubnyi Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University




Bukovyna, I. Flondor, I. Nistor, uprising of the 113th regiment, parliamentary elections of 1919


For Bukovyna year 1919 was a time of return to peaceful life. Although in those circumstances it proved to be a difficult task. Reunion of Bukovyna with Romania, accepted by Bukovyna General Congress had to be confirmed later at the Paris Peace Conference. That was the cause, which had created obstacles for carrying out parliamentary elections in the renewed country. Against this background, an important role was played by the organization of regional governance, which concerned the solution of a number of tasks. Food security, streamlining financial problems and restricting food smuggling remained important for the region. These tasks were solved by the ministers-delegates I. Flondor and I. Nistor. The activity of the two ministers-delegates led to an open conflict and their confrontation for a long time. The government crisis in Bukovyna, which was accompanied by the resignation of I. Flondor, led to his attempts to use German, Ruthenian, and Jewish political leaders in opposition to I. Nistor. The situation in the region was exacerbated by social demonstrations, actions of deserters in the region, manifestations of anti-Semitism. All this happened at a time when Bukovyna became a frontline zone, and military units of the VIII Division operated in Pokuttia. The authorities also noted a change in the mood of the population in this period, which could be a perception of the desired. The autumn of 1919 ended with the first parliamentary elections in conditions of siege, which were held on the basis of universal suffrage. Preparations for the elections took place in the conditions of confrontation between the political groups of I. Flondor and I. Nistor. In fact, in order to obtain seats in parliament and to organize the political forces of the Romanians of the region, I. Nistor and his supporters created the Democratic Party of Unification, which was able to win a seat in the Romanian parliament. Along with representatives of the Democratic Party of Unification, independent candidates were also elected. The opening of the newly elected parliament coincided with a rebellion of soldiers from the 113th Regiment in Chernivtsi, which was wrong accepted as a manifestation of Bolshevism. The situation in the region remained difficult at the end of 1919.

Author Biography

Ihor Piddubnyi, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

PhD in History, Associate Professor, the Department of World History


Derjavnyi arhiv Chernivetskoi oblasti (DAChO), F. 6 Prezydialne biuro ministra-delegata Bukovyny, m. Chernivtsi, op.1, spr. 31 Soobshchenie ministru Bukoviny v gor. Buhareste, ministru Bessarabii i predsedatelyu natsionalnoi partii v gor. Sibiu Maniu Iuliu o sozdanii na Bukovine «demokraticheskoi partii – Unirea» [ChRSA, F.6 Minister-Deputy presidium bureau, list 1, dos.31 Information for minister of Bukovina at Bucharest, minister of Bessarabia and president of National party at Sibiu maniu Yuliu about creation at Bukovina «Democratic party – Reunion»], 9 ark.

DAChO, F. 6 Prezydialne biuro ministra-delegata Bukovyny, m. Chernivtsi, op.1, spr. 35 Delo o vydache razreshenia komitetu sotsial-demokraticheskoi partii v gor. Chernovtsah na provedenie pervomaiskoi demonstratsii. 27 aprelia - 4 maia 1919 g. [ChRSA, F.6 Minister-Deputy presidium bureau, list 1, dos.35 Dossier of issue of permision to the committee of social-democratic party at Chernivtsi for organization of First May manifestation], 7 ark.

DAChO, F. 6 Prezydialne biuro ministra-delegata Bukovyny, m. Chernivtsi, op.1, spr. 36 Informatsionnye soobshcheniya generalnoho inspectora sigurantsy v gor. Chernovtsy o deyatelnosti sotsialisticheskih organizatsii v gor. Chernovtsy, o nastroienii naseleniya v Radautskom i Suchavskom uezdah. 18 maia 1919-24 maia 1919 h. [ChRSA, F.6 Minister-Deputy presidium bureau, list 1, dos. 36 Information of General security service inspector at Chernivtsi concerning socialist organizations activity in Chernivtsi, public opinion of population in Radautsi and Suchava districts], 8 ark.

DAChO, F. 6 Prezydialne biuro ministra-delegata Bukovyny, m. Chernivtsi, op.1, spr. 40 OTs. Informatsionnoe soobshchenie generalnoho subinspectora osoboho otdela sigurantsy Bukoviny o predyavlenii soiuzom jeleznodorojnikov Bukoviny trebovanii politicheskoho i ekonomicheskoho haraktera. 13.ХІІ.1919-30.ХІІ.1919 h. [ChRSA, F.6 Minister-deputy of Bukovina presidial bureau, list 1, dos. 40 General subinspector of special department of security service at Bukovina information about Railway workers' trade-union demands of political and economical character], 2 ark.

DAChO, F. 6 Prezydialne biuro ministra-delegata Bukovyny, m. Chernivtsi, op.1, spr. 41 Kopii donesenii, raportov i drugih materialov o vosstanii 113 polka v g. Chernovtsy v 1919 g. [ChRSA, F.6 Minister-Deputy presidium bureau, list 1, dos.41 Copies of reports, other materials about 113 regiment rebellion at Chernivtsi in 1919], 36 ark.

DAChO, F. 12 Secretariat vnutrishnih sprav Bukovyny, op. 1, spr. 58 Ukazaniya komandovaniya 8 pehotnoi divizii v g. Chernovtsah po antikommunisticheskoi propahande [ChRSA, , F.12 Secretary of internal affairs of Bukovina, list 1, dos. 58 Orders of the VIII infantry division commander at Chernivtsi about anticommunist propaganda], 4 ark.

DAChO, F. 12 Secretariat vnutrishnih sprav Bukovyny, op. 1, spr. 77 Soobshcheniya, ukazaniya i perepiska o rassledovanii sluchaev podjohov imushchestva evreiskoho naseleniya g. Dorna-Kodrenilor na pochve antisemitisma. 1919 - 1921 h. [ChRSA, F.12, Secretary of internal affairs of Bukovina, list 1, dos. 77 Information, directions and correspondence about investigation of arsons of property of Jewish population city Dorna-Codrenilor as anti-Semitic acts], 19 ark.

DAChO, F. 12 Secretariat vnutrishnih sprav Bukovyny, op. 1, spr. 78 Perepiska s prefekturami uezdov Bukoviny o prinyatii mer po vyyavleniyu dezertirov 114 pehotnoho polka rumynskoi armii. 1919-1920 h., [ChRSA, , F.12 Secretary of internal affairs of Bukovina, list 1, dos. 78 Correspondence with Bukovinian distrits prefects' about efforts on disclosure of deserters of 114 rifle regiment of Romanian army], 16 ark.

DAChO, F. 12 Secretariat vnutrishnih sprav Bukovyny, op. 1, spr. 101 Perepiska s subinspektorom sigurantsy g. Chernovtsy, s prefekturami uezdov Bukoviny o prinyatii mer po vyyavleniyu lits, podozrevaemyh v vedenii revoliutsionnoi propahandy. 1919-1919 h., [ChRSA, F.12 Secretary of internal affairs of Bukovina, list 1, dos. 101 Correspondence with subinspectorate of security service at Chernivtsi, with district prefects of Bukovina about measures for disclose of persons, suspected in revolutionary propaganda], 100 ark.

DAChO, F. 12 Secretariat vnutrishnih sprav Bukovyny, op. 1, spr. 134 Perepiska s Ministerstvom vnutrennih del I prefekturoi Suchavskoho uezda o merah borby po likvidatsii voorujennoi bandy hrabitelei, deistvovavshei v kommune Mitokul-Drahomirnei. 1919-1919 h. [ChRSA, F.12 Secretary of internal affairs of Bukovina, list 1, dos.134 Correspondence with Ministry of internal affairs and Suchava district prefect about measures for abolishing armed gang at Mitocul-Dragomirnei], 6 ark.

DAChO, F. 12 Secretariat vnutrishnih sprav Bukovyny, op. 1, spr. 1300 Perepiska s prefekturami uezdov Bukoviny po administrativno-hozyaistvennym voprosam [Chernivtsy Region state archive, F.12 Secretary of internal affairs of Bukovina, list1, dossier 1300 Correspondence with district prefects of Bukovina on the administrative and economic questions], 214 ark.

DAChO, F. 12 Secretariat vnutrishnih sprav Bukovyny, op. 1, spr. 1533. Perepiska s subinspektoratom sigurantsy I 8 pehotnoi diviziei g Chernovtsy o zahvate lesnyh uchastkov, prinadlejashchih tserkovnomu fondu Bukoviny, jiteliami kommuny Flocheni Kimpolungskoho uezda. 18 avhusta 1920 - 21 aprelya 1921 h. [ChRSA, F.12 Secretary of internal affairs of Bukovina, list 1, dos.1533 Correspondence with subinspector of sigurantsa and VIII infantry division about capturing of forest, property of Religios Fund of Bukovina by citizens of community Flocheni from Kimpolung district], 17 ark.

DAChO, F.30 Chernivetskii oblasnyi inspektorat politsii, op.1, spr. 1b Prikaz komanduyushchego 8-i divizii ob osadnom polojenii na Severnoi Bukovine ot 13 ianvarya 1919 h. [ChRSA, F.30, Chernivtsin regional police inspectorate, list 1, dos. 1b Order of VIII division commander about state of siege at Northen Bukovina, 13 January 1919], 11 ark.

DAChO, F. 119 Osoblyvyi viddil sigurantsy, op. 2, spr.1 Informatsyonnye noty i doneseniya ahentov politsii ob uchastnikah vosstaniya 113 pehotnoho polka. Spiski uchastnikov vosstaniya, osujdennyh voenno-polevym sudom. 21 noyabrya 1919 - 28 ianvarya 1922 h.[ChRSA, F.119 Special department of sigurantsa, list 2, dos. 1 Police agents information notes and reports about insurgents of 113 riffle regiment. Register of participaters of rebellion, sentenced by military court], 141 ark.

DAChO, F.1241 Biuro informatsii ta presy, op.1, spr.7 Informatsionnyie soobshcheniya prefektov uezdov Bukoviny I generalnoho subinspektora osoboho otdela sigurantsy hor. Chernovtsy o nastroienii naseleniya I proisshestviyah v kommunah. 22 marta 1919 - 24 decabrya 1919 h. [ChRSA, F.1241 Information and press bureau, list 1, dos. 7 Information of district prefects and general subinspector of Chernitsi sigurantsa about public mood and events at communities], 57 ark.

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How to Cite

Піддубний, І. (2020). Political events and social life of Bukovyna in 1919. History Journal of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, (52), 84-106. https://doi.org/10.31861/hj2020.52.84-106