Bukovyna local lore studies during the stay of the territory as a part of the Kingdom of Galicia and Volodymeria (1786-1849)


  • Oleksandr Dobrzhanskyi Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University




Austria, Bukovyna, local lore studies, Bukovynian studies, «Rus Trinity», B. Hacquet, T. Bendella


Bukovyna was part of the Kingdom of Galicia and Volodymeria since 1786 to 1849. This time became important for the further development of local lore studies of Bukovyna. Professors of Lviv University, B. Hacquet, J. Rohrer, M. Stöger, A. Zawadzki played a significant role in the development of research. Considerable attention was paid in their works to geography, demographic features, socio-economic development, and the introduction of changes in the management of the region. There were also works in which flora and fauna, features of geology, etc. were studied.
The Ukrainian local lore studies of Bukovyna started in the early 19th century. Thanks to the efforts of the figures of the «Rus Trinity», the first descriptions of folklore, life, and social status of the Ukrainians of the region appeared. A number of local lore studies works were written at the beginning of the 19th century, but they were made public only in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Nevertheless, they were naturally assigned to this period. In particular, this is the work of I. Вudai-Deleanu and an unknown author, who for the first time prepared the local lore guide «Bukovyna in 1801». The work of T. Bendella in which for the first time tourist routes were proposed to the sights of Bukovyna was an important phenomenon in the development of Bukovyna.
Research about Bukovyna at that time was published in well-known European scientific journals, which was of great importance for awakening interest in the region.
It is noted that local history of Bukovyna at that time was only making its first steps. The local authorities didn’t care. However, there have been some achievements. They were the significant foundation for the development of Bukovynian studies in the following decades.

Author Biography

Oleksandr Dobrzhanskyi, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

Doctor of History, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of History, Political Science and International Relations


T. Bendella, Die Bukowina im Königreich Galizien, Wien, 1845, 38 s.

W. Besser, Primitiae Florae Haliciae Austriacae utriusque, Wiennae, 1809, Pars. 1, 393 s. ; Pars. 2, 423 s.

I. Вudai-Deleanu, Kuzgefaßte Bemerkungen über Bukowina, in «Nistor I. Romănii și Rutenii în Bucowina», București, 1915, s.168-200.

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B. Hacquet, Neueste physikalisch-politische Reisen in den Jahren 1791, 92 und 93 durch die Dacischen und Sarmаthischen oder Nördlichen Karpaten, Nürnberg, 1794, Bd. 3, 247 s.

B. Hacquet, Neueste physikalisch-politische Reisen in den Jahren 1794 und 95 durch die Dacischen und Sarmаthischen oder Nördlichen Karpaten. Nürnberg, 1796, Bd. 4, 254 s.

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J. Rohrer, Bemerkungen auf einer Reise von der Türkischen Grenze über die Bukowina durch Ost- und Westgalizien, Schlesien und Mähren nach Wien, Wien, 1804. 316 s.

J. Rohrer, Politisch-arithmetischer Versuch über die Bukowina, in «Vaterländische Blätter», Nr. 88, 1812, 31.Oktober, s. 525-528.

Y. Rorer, Notatky pid chas podorozhi vid turetskoho kordonu cherez Bukovynu, vzdovzh Skhidnoi ta Zakhidnoi Halychyny, Silezii ta Moravii do Vidnia [Notes During the Journey from the Turkish Border through Bukovyna, along Eastern and Western Galicia, Silesia and Moravia to Vienna], Chernivtsi, 2018, 256 s.

H. Rusyn, Zustände der Russinen in Galizien, in «Jahrbücher für slawische Literatur, Kunst und Wissenschaft», 1846, Heft 9, s. 361-379.

M. Stöger, Darstellung der gesetzlichen Verfassung der galizischen Judenschaft, Lemberg, Przemysl, Stanislswow und Tarnow, 1833, Bd. 1, 280 s.; Bd. 2, 201 s.

M. Stöger, Die jüdische Bevölkerung in Galizien und ihre Evidenzhaltung nach österreichischen Gesetzen, in «Zeitschrift für österreichische Rechtsgelehrsamkeit und politische Gesetzkunde»,1829, Bd.1, s.363-386.

M. Stöger, National-Verschiedenheiten in Galizien,in «Österreichisches Archiv für Geschichte, Erdbeschreibung, Staatenkunde, Kunst und Literatur», 1832, Nr. 69, s. 273-276.

M. Stöger, Übersicht des ersten Regulirungs-planes für das Kirchenwesen der nicht unirten Griechen in der Bukowina, in «Österreichisches Archiv für Geschichte, Erdbeschreibung, Staatenkunde, Kunst und Literatur», 1832, Nr. 22, s.85-87; Nr. 23, s. 90-92; Nr. 27, s. 106-107; Nr. 29, s.113-116; Nr. 30, s. 117-119; Nr. 31, s. 121-123.

M. Valo, Baltazar Haket (Ake): yoho podorozhi po Zakhidnii Ukraini, vnesok v nauku I kulturu [Balthasar Hacquet (Ake): His Travels in Western Ukraine, Contribution to Science and Culture], in «Baltazar Haket I Ukraina. Statti I materialy», Lviv, 1997, 124 s.

J. Wachilewič, Huculowé, obywatelé wýchodnjho pohořj Karpatského, in «Časopis českého Museum», 1838, čislo 4, s. 475-498; 1839, čislo 1, s. 45-68.

A. Zawadzki, Enumeratio plantarum Galiciae et Bucovinae oder die in Galizien und der Bukowina wild wachsenden Pflanzen mit genauer Angabe ihrer Standorte, Breslau, 1835, 200 s.

A. Zawadzki, Fauna der Galizisch-Bukowinischen Wirbeltiere, Stuttgart, 1840, 195 s.



How to Cite

Dobrzhanskyi, O. (2022). Bukovyna local lore studies during the stay of the territory as a part of the Kingdom of Galicia and Volodymeria (1786-1849). History Journal of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, (56), 48-57. https://doi.org/10.31861/hj2022.56.48-57