Lustrations as a Source of Studying of the Social and Economic History of Volodymyr City in the Middle of 14th – 18th Centuries


  • Valentina Petrovych Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University (Lutsk)



The article highlights informative possibilities of lustrations in 1545, 1552, 1765, 1789 which are the source of investigation of the history of Volodymyr city. The author makes an attempt to analyze historical, statistical and economic lustration of the Volodymyr castle. The undertaken investigation proves that these documents contain detailed information on the location of the castle and its inner development, fortification works, number of citizens, household and production buildings, development of trade, etc. Lustrations show that the basic directions of the economic life of the city, kinds of trades and farming activities of the residents. These sources also help to establish population, property, social, ethnic and professional content of the citizens. It was grounded in the article that lustrations are an important foundation for the objective, study, analysis and reconstruction of the dynamics of the social-economic and historical and cultural development of the city of Volodymyr in the middle of the 14th and 18th centuries. The conclusion was drawn that they are still relevant nowadays and are of scientific interest to both native and foreign scientists.

Keywords: lustration, defensives fortifications, roundabout| hail, habitations, economic and productions buildings, handicrafts, trades, mill, dike

Author Biography

Valentina Petrovych, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University (Lutsk)

PhD in History, Associate Professor of Documentation and Museum


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How to Cite

Petrovych, V. (2017). Lustrations as a Source of Studying of the Social and Economic History of Volodymyr City in the Middle of 14th – 18th Centuries. History Journal of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, (45), 13-18.