Cities of Galicia and Bukovyna of the Second Half of the XIX – the Beginning of XX centuries: Comparative Features of the System of Management

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Serhiy Dobrzhanskyi


The article made the comparative historical analysis of the cities of Galicia and Bukovyna (Lviv, Chernivtsi, Berezhany, Brody, Drohobych, Kolomyia, Peremyshl, Sniatyn, Sokal, Stanislaviv, Stryi, Vyzhnytsia, Kitsman, Storozhynets) in the second half of XIX – the beginning of the XX century. The activity level of implementation of city governance reforms, the changes of abundance and composition of the population were observed. Implementation of the powers by local authorities of cities in the process of formation and activities were considered.The execution of the assigned tasks was made with the influence on the development of regional cities by the number of objective and subjective factors: the presence and the time of railroad holding, economic and geographical specificity, historical features, the political situation, etc.

Keywords: city, self-government, election, city council, magistrate, burgomaster

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How to Cite
Dobrzhanskyi, S. (2018). Cities of Galicia and Bukovyna of the Second Half of the XIX – the Beginning of XX centuries: Comparative Features of the System of Management. History Journal of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, (48), 14–20. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Serhiy Dobrzhanskyi, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

PhD in History, Associate Professor, the Department of History of Ukraine