Forms of Actualization of the Documents and Materials of the Official Character on the History of National-cultural Movement of Ukrainians of Galicia of the Second Half of XIX – the Beginning of XX century

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Liliya Sholohon


The article elucidates the features of the actualizing of the documents and materials of the official characteron the history of the national-cultural movement of Ukrainians in Galicia by administrative institutions and public organizationsof the late XIX –early XX century,researchers of the interwar period,Ukrainian foreign and Soviet scientists, and scientists of nowadays. It was established that many sources of official character, primarily those that reveal the activities of state authorities, public organizations and political parties were actualized during the second half of the nineteenth centurytill now.Regarding the features of actualizing of the documents and records of the official character, it should be mentioned that they were published mainly in the context of the leading Ukrainian social and political forces. Many among them are those which were reprinted from the published collections of the Soviet Ukrainian and foreign scientists. A number of statistical sources and a large array of legislative documents of the specified time interval remain unactualized.

Keywords: Galicia, national-cultural movement, sources of official character, actualization of sources

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How to Cite
Sholohon, L. (2019). Forms of Actualization of the Documents and Materials of the Official Character on the History of National-cultural Movement of Ukrainians of Galicia of the Second Half of XIX – the Beginning of XX century. History Journal of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, (48), 6–13. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Liliya Sholohon, Vasil Stefanyk Precarpathian Nathional University

Doctor of History Professor at the Department of Historiography and Source Criticism