Basis of Historiosophy

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Yuri Tymoshenko


The reasons and historical background of philosophical concepts which were counted on the justification of the causative reasons for human history events have been explained. Objectives: to clarify the causative reasons of the human civilization historical progress. Methods and materials: the subject of the study is the intellectual works of historians and philosophers, which sought to explain the underpinnings (features) and orientations of the historical entity. The work is based on the use of general scientific analytic and synthetic methods and historical as well: hermeneutics, reductionist method, system and chronological problem analysis etc. Methodical principles of the scientific cognition were also used in the work. The thesis states that long period of time historiosophy was regarded as so-called complex of philosophical ideas about features of human history evolution have been proved. It was studied out that historiosophy appears on the verge of XVIII – XIX centuries, though we can see the origins from Augustine of Hippo (Aurelius Augustinus Hipponensis). Historiosophy, obviously or not, tries to answer the current interest questions of the human entity in historical period. It was discovered that Modern and Enlightenment Age historiosophy went along with historical optimism, by confidence in «mind reigning» advent and in the future. Later on, in the first half of the XIX century, looking for the methods of historical actuality research, historiosophy was breaking down the subject of its study into «early history» and its derivatives areas. Thus human was chosen to be the subject of historiosophy and history was interpreted as an element of human life experience. It was proved that in XX century attention of historiosophians was directed at one ontological problem – analysis of the life mobility and stability. This, in turn, has to do with the question of time and entity correlation, and realization of temporality phenomenon as a determinant of historicity phenomenon. Conclusions: historiosophy today appears as a synthetic interdisciplinary knowledge, which defines its feature with systematic approach to the reality phenomenons. It studies human history as a holistic and all-embracing universe of the human culture; defines the causal relationship of the historical process, its determinations and future of the human existence.

Keywords: historiosophy, history, philosophy, process, civilization

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How to Cite
Tymoshenko, Y. (2018). Basis of Historiosophy. History Journal of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, (47), 146–153. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Yuri Tymoshenko, National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine

Doctor of History, Professor, the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines