Kyiv Vice-Governor (1860-s – 1917): Historic and Political Portrait

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Dmytrii Nikolaichuk


This article briefly reviews the authorities, conferred to the vice-governor by the supreme imperial bodies in the system of provincial government and reasons, which were followed by the central authorities during their appointment. The personnel assets of vice-governor corps of the Kyiv Governorate is considered and their socio-professional characteristics (nationality, age, education, material status, generic assignment) are determined. During carrying out investigations it was found that applicants for the position of Kyiv vice-governor had a considerable experience of government services: ranging from a gubernial secretary (12 rank) to an actual state councillor (4 rank), who held higher imperial official positions (vice-governor, official on special assignments at a Minister of the Interior) before assignment to a position of vice-governor in the Kyiv Governorate, had the special confidence of Imperator, Minister of the Interior or Governor-General.

Keywords: vice-governor, Kiev province, provincial government, functionary, P. Seletsky,B. Kashkaryov

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How to Cite
Nikolaichuk, D. (2018). Kyiv Vice-Governor (1860-s – 1917): Historic and Political Portrait. History Journal of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, (47), 61–73. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Dmytrii Nikolaichuk, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Postgraduate Student, the Department of the XIXth – the beginning of XXth centuries, the Institute of History of Ukraine