The Role of O. Dovzhenko in the Formation and Becoming of M. Vingranovskyi as a Film Director

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Ihor Koliada


In the article «The role of O. Dovzhenko in the formation and becoming of M. Vingranovskyias a film director» I. Koliada highlights facts from biography of the outstanding poet, film director, scriptwriter and actor M. Vingranovskyi; was made an attempt to analyze the role of influence on the formation of his personality as a film director, prominent Ukrainian filmmaker O. P. Dovzhenko. The autor analyzes the peculiarities of pedagogy of O. Dovzhenko, reveals the peculiarities of organization as an artist of the educational process at the film director’s course; were supplemented with new facts the biographies of both O. Dovzhenko and M. Vingranovskyi.

Keywords: cinema art, film direction, scriptwriter, cinema art pedagogy, film creativity, creativesearch

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How to Cite
Koliada, I. (2018). The Role of O. Dovzhenko in the Formation and Becoming of M. Vingranovskyi as a Film Director. History Journal of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, (47), 30–36. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Ihor Koliada, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University

Doctor of History, Professor, the Department of Methodology of Teaching Social Disciplines and Gender Education, the Institute of Historical Education