Ivano-Frankivsk Trial Over Dissident Valentyn Moroz

Main Article Content

Bohdan Paska


The subject of the article are the reasons, cours e and results of investigations and trial of the Ukrainian dissident Valentyn Moroz in 1970.

The authorconcludes that thesocialandpoliticalactivitiesof  V. Morozduringthe 1969–1970 period caused a tougheraction oftheSovietauthorities. Thesystematicpressurefrom the KGB endedwith a planned specialoperationfor his arrest. Duringthe preliminaryinvestigationandtheIvano-Frankivsk trial, thedetaineerefusedanycooperationwiththe KGB andaccusedtheregime forcrimesagainst theUkrainianpeople.

 Theconductofthedissidentwas characterizedbytherejectionofanycompromiseswiththeSovietregime and was a real challengof thesystem.

Theprocess isorganizeddon’the initiativeoftheCentralCommitteeofthe CPU andcontroledbytheleaderoftheUkrainianCommunistParty, P. Shelest.

Thefrankmassacre over V. Morozledtolarge-scalecampaign stop rotect him amongtheUkrainianintelligentsia, whichwasattendedbymostoftheleadersofthedissidentmovement.

Keywords: Valentyn Moroz, Ukrainian dissident movement, Soviet regime, Viacheslav Chornovil, civil rights movement, Ivano-Frankivsk regional court

Article Details

How to Cite
Paska, B. (2017). Ivano-Frankivsk Trial Over Dissident Valentyn Moroz. History Journal of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, (46), 39–47. Retrieved from https://www.hj.chnu.edu.ua/hj/article/view/230
Author Biography

Bohdan Paska, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

PhD in History, Leading Specialist of the Institute of History, Ethnology, and Archeology of the Carpathians, Faculty of History, Political Science, and International Relations