June Restoration of 1930 in Romania in the “Universul” Newspaper Coverage

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Ihor Piddubnyi


As a result of the rejection of the throne, Prince Carol made in December 1925, the government, the King and Parliament passed the decision on January 4, 1926 to abolish the Carol’s right on succession to the throne. After Ferdinand I death, his young grandson Mihai came to power and the Regency council worked at him. This situation divided the political circles of Romania in the groups of Carol's supporters and opponents. The position of Carol’s supporters were strengthened and with the advent of the national-tserenist government in 1928, and Prime Minister I.Maniu acted with the hope to return him to the throne. The conditions for Carol's return to the country appeared and they were implemented during the economic crisis and the crisis of government in May 1930. All necessary measures taken during June 6-8 allowed abolishing the act of January 4, 1926, and return the right of the royal family member to Prince Carol and returned him to the throne. The government headed by G.G.Mironescu was created to perform all tasks. Intensive talks and consultations on the establishment of the new government were held during June 8-13, the statements on domestic and foreign policy of Romania under the rule of Carol II were arranged. Carolʼs II coming to power created practically a new system of political relations, which changed the circle of people who were close to Carol II. At the same time, the new king was demanded the introduction of austerity measures and transition to a dictatorship form of government, but that was not implemented, due to the nature of the political system and lack of reasonable grounds for that step.

Key words: Romania, June restoration, political crisis of 1930, Carol II, I. Maniu, the Great Voivode of Alba Iulia

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How to Cite
Piddubnyi, I. (2017). June Restoration of 1930 in Romania in the “Universul” Newspaper Coverage. History Journal of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, (45), 82–88. Retrieved from https://www.hj.chnu.edu.ua/hj/article/view/237
Author Biography

Ihor Piddubnyi, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

Associate Professor of the Department of New and Modern History