Issuess of Historical Memory within Ukrainian-Polish Relations

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Ludmila Strilchuk
Andriy Ninichuk


Historicalmemoryisanintegralpartofthenationalidentificationandiscableofinfluencing internationalrelationssignificantly. Ithappensveryoftenwhenitishistoricalmemoryofthenationthat national mentality depends on as well as relations with neighboring peoples.

In recent years many conflicts arise between Ukraine and Republic of Poland. They are resulting from the historical memory and issues of interpretation of the common history. ParticularlyacuteitisrelatingtheproblemofadversarialUkrainianandPolishpositionsonthesituation in Volyn during the years of the 2ndWorld Was. Non-agreement of the positions of the countries leads to aggravation of the international conflict among ordinary Poles and Ukrainians regarding the so called «war on the graves» and as a consequence to frosting of the interstate relations.

Key words: Ukraine,Republic of Poland, historical memory, Volyn tradegy, war on the graves, international relations, interstate relations, politics

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How to Cite
Strilchuk, L., & Ninichuk, A. (2017). Issuess of Historical Memory within Ukrainian-Polish Relations. History Journal of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, (45), 63–67. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Ludmila Strilchuk, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University (Lutsk)

Doctor of History, Professor of the Department of World History

Andriy Ninichuk, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University (Lutsk)

Postgraduate student of the Department of World History