The National Legionary State in Romania in 1940-1941: the Attempt to Implement the Guardists Program and its Consequences for the Movement

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Volodymyr Pushkarov
Ihor Piddubnyi


The coming to power of I. Antonescu and representatives of the Legionary Movement in Romania was the result of the crisis that took place in South-Eastern Europe in the conditions of early stages of World War II, sought to save the Kingdom independence by taking the Anglophiles away from power. However, it was accompanied by actions that did not so much transform the political structure of the country, but they led to a certain degree of internal chaos. The agreements between I. Antonescu, as the head of the government, and H. Sima, as a representative of the political organization claiming power, did not lead to the solution of the domestic political situation. The attempt to seize power in January 1941 was the result of deepening the confrontation between Ion Antonescu and the leadership of the Legionary Movement. The defeat of the Guardists by the authorities led to the forced escape of their many representatives to Germany, the continuation of their activities under the conditions of persecution by the authorities. Attempts to develop activities also took place with the beginning of Romania’s entry into the war on the side of the Axis countries, but the authorities managed to control the Guardists and promptly respond to threatening manifestations of activities, which prevented repeated attempts by the legionary leadership to gain control over the country. The work of the police authorities in the returned regions, where the Guardists tried to organize their activities, was noticeable but they remained constantly under the supervision of the police and gendarmes. The constant control over the Guardist activities forced some of them, especially active during the uprising of January 21-23, 1941, to move to the outskirts of the country. After the inclusion of northern Bukovyna and Bessarabia into the kingdom, active participants of the uprising had the opportunity to be in this territory, having some freedom of action. The absence of movement leaders in Romania and observation of the leaders forced the legionnaires to change the leadership of the organization. The way the organization was run remained traditional due to the instructions issued by the central body. The most common manifestations of the Guardist activities were the collection of funds and things for imprisoned legionnaires and propaganda activities. The return of fugitives from Germany was perceived by the authorities as a potential threat, although, for example, in Bukovyna, no direct evidence was found of the Guardist preparing for the next coup. Legionnaires were not active in densely populated areas where the Ukrainian lived, but the percentage of organization members among university students was quite high.

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How to Cite
Pushkarov, V., & Piddubnyi, I. (2024). The National Legionary State in Romania in 1940-1941: the Attempt to Implement the Guardists Program and its Consequences for the Movement. History Journal of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, (59), 117–129.
Author Biographies

Volodymyr Pushkarov, Chernivtsi Cooperative Vocational College of Economics and Law

PhD in History, Lecturer

Ihor Piddubnyi, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

Doctor of History, Associate Professor, Department of World History


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