Policy of the Administration of the General Government of Galicia and Bukovyna Towards the Greek Catholic Clergy (1914–1915)
Main Article Content
The scientific article is devoted to the study of the measures of the Russian occupation regime in the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria and the Duchy of Bukovyna regarding the clergy of the Greek Catholic Church during the first period of the World War I (1914–1915). The territorial boundaries of the article cover the territory of the General Government of Galicia and Bukovyna. The main purpose of the scientific work was to analyze the structural elements of the Russian policy of the religious tolerance towards the Halych Metropolis of the UGCC. The research was carried out on the basis of the documents from the Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Lviv, the State Archives of Lviv Region and the State Archives of Ternopil Region.
As a result of the military campaign of 1914, the Russian Empire formed the General Government in the occupied territory of Austria-Hungary with its center in Lviv. The majority of the population in the administrative unite was Ukrainians, the Greek Catholics by religion. To get the favor of the locals, the imperial government declared the religious tolerance. At the same time, the provincial administration implemented a system of measures to weaken the influence of the UGCC. The Greek Catholic clergy were under the control of the Second Department of the Governor-General`s Chancery. This government structure exercised control over the implementation of religious policy in the occupied territory. The clergy with a clear Ukrainian identity have been subjected to all kinds of sanctions, as the prohibition to perform religious duties, the house arrest, the imprisonment, the resettlement, etc. At the same time, the Russian administration and clergy contributed to the growth of the number of Russian Orthodox clergy in the occupied territory.
Such system of measures didn`t ensure the loyalty of the Greek Catholic clergy and the local residents of the region. According to the author, this is one of the main reasons why the Russian Empire was unable to support the front against the Austria-Hungary. The consequences of the occupation regime`s policy were the personal and material losses of the Greek Catholic Church but at the same time it led to a strong decline in pro-Russian sentiments among the Ukrainian society and clergy.
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