Establishment of Fiscal and Customs Authorities in The Second Polish Republic


  • Oleksandr Dobrzhanskyi Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University



Second Polish Republic, fiscal authorities, customs authorities, customs duty, «Directorate of Customs in Lviv»


In the early 1920s, in the Second Polish Republic, the process of establishing fiscal and customs authorities was a complex phenomenon that took place in extremely difficult economic and political conditions. After the end of the First World War, the state needed to implement effective fiscal and customs authorities for the purpose of economic growth. The establishment of fiscal and customs authorities in the Second Polish Republic is related to the restoration of its state independence, strengthening of centralized management, and increase in revenues to the state budget. An important aspect of the formation of fiscal and customs bodies was the improvement of the legal basis on which they functioned. The government issued special decrees and laws regulating taxation, customs control and punitive measures in case of their violations. The authorities carried out reform in the field of finance and customs, adopted laws on taxation, customs duties and other fiscal regulations. Special bodies responsible for tax collection and control over customs procedures were created. Customs authorities played an important role in ensuring the country’s economic security and regulating foreign trade. The introduction of customs duties ensured the preservation of economic potential and the protection of the domestic market from the activities of foreign companies and smuggling. New legislative acts regulated the tax system and customs procedures in accordance with international standards, contributed to the integration of the Second Polish Republic into the world economy, improving trade relations with other countries.
In the early 1920s, fiscal and customs authorities were actively forming in the Second Polish Republic, which played an important role in ensuring the country’s financial stability and economic recovery after the First World War. Fiscal and customs authorities played an important role in ensuring financial stability and restoring the statehood and economy of the Second Polish Republic. Their functions and powers were constantly developing, and the taxation system was reformed in order to use effectively resources for the needs of the state. In the early 1920s, in the Second Polish Republic, fiscal and customs authorities actively worked on reforms and modernization of the taxation and customs system, contributing to the economic development and international cooperation of the newly created states.

Author Biography

Oleksandr Dobrzhanskyi, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

Doctor of History, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of History, Political Science and International Relations


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How to Cite

Dobrzhanskyi, O. (2024). Establishment of Fiscal and Customs Authorities in The Second Polish Republic. History Journal of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, (59), 109–116.