Deputy Activity of Yerotei Pihuliak in the Austrian Parliament

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Andriy Klish


The article is dedicated to the analysis and comprehension of the parliamentary activity of Yerotei Pihuliak in the Vienna Parliament at the beginning of the 20th century. The research is based on archival documents, publications from that period, and contemporary historical studies.
The article explores key aspects of Ye. Pihuliak’s political career, his contribution to defending the rights and interests of the Ukrainian population in the complex socio-cultural and political situation of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Special attention is given to Ye. Pihuliak’s stance on issues of national equality, education, assimilation, and interaction with other ethnic groups.
The attempts by Ye. Pihuliak to promote interethnic dialogue and his efforts to overcome discrimination against the Ukrainian population in Bukovyna are analyzed. The article also reveals his approaches to the development of education, infrastructure, and social issues in the region.

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How to Cite
Klish, A. (2023). Deputy Activity of Yerotei Pihuliak in the Austrian Parliament. History Journal of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, (58), 59–65.
Author Biography

Andriy Klish, Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University

Doctor of History, Professor, Department of History of Ukraine, Archaeology and Special Branches of Historical Science


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