The Features of Defining Border Lines in the Stanislav Voivodeship in the 1920s
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The article analyzes the problem of border lines on the territory of the Stanislav Voivodeship in the 1920s, in the process of defining the borders of the state and establishing border zones. Despite active measures for their clear separation, there were problems related to border protection, maintenance of border signs, their installation and marking, defining of the width of stripes in separate areas. The width of the border was agreed with the governor, border services and military structures. In all border areas, a border was established up to 4 km wide, divided into two zones: border line and frontier line. The border extended to the territory extending from the state border line inland, with a width of no more than 2 km. The width of these zones was determined by the local governor, depending on local conditions, coordinating this issue with the appropriate teams of the first border rifle regiments and tax authorities. A serious problem was the granting of permits to stay in the border zone. Usually, such a permit gave the owner the right to stay for only one month, which was a problem for landowners, forest service workers, and shepherds. The problem of simplifying the rules for staying in the border zone was ambiguous and caused a debate among government structures. There was an opinion that people who lived in the border areas should be allowed to stay outside their homes without any restrictions. The question of the expediency of staying in the border zone of persons who lived outside its borders was considered. However, the Polish authorities granted permits to stay in the border zone primarily only to loyal persons. This limited the freedom of movement of citizens, blocked the normal process of economic development and social life in the region. The border service introduced rules for the registration and accounting of horses, cattle, sheep and pigs, because there were cases of registration of animals under false passports, which caused the reasonable suspicion of customs officials when agents in the trade tried to «legalize» sick, stolen and smuggled animals. Despite a certain improvement in the situation related to the rules of staying in the border zone, there were still quite a few issues related to the solution of this problem. It is about the expediency of defining borders taking into account local conditions and peculiarities, inclusion of settlements in their composition or withdrawal them from the border zone, granting the right to hunt.
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