Artifacts of Previous Eras, as Objects of Reverence by Ancient Populations (based on the materials of the archaeological places of Bukovyna)
Bukovyna, Chornivka hillfort, Ridkivtsi archeological complex, archaeological research, material culture, artifacts, «arrows of thunder»Abstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of archaeological materials discovered during the study of archaeological places of Bukovyna, which do not fit into their historical and chronological context. We are talking about objects, the use of which is clearly anachronistic. These are tools, weapons, decorations, household items of previous eras: from the Paleolithic to the Early Iron Age. Discovered at the places of the ancient and medieval periods, such finds did not find satisfactory explanations in historiography for a long time. Artifacts of previous eras received the general name «arrows of thunder» in the scientific literature. At the same time, in a number of works, mainly archaeological, the designation «antique» product or «antique» is used to designate them. «Arrows of thunder» discovered at the places of the ancient and medieval periods did not find satisfactory explanations in historiography. For the most part, they were considered to be the result of the displacement of cultural layers at multi–layered monuments, late excavations, or they were generally silenced, since they did not find satisfactory explanations. However, when such objects were discovered in closed archaeological complexes and the chance of their getting there was ruled out, there were attempts to explain this phenomenon.
Ethnographic studies and folklore materials provided significant help in solving this problem. Among the European population, «arrows of thunder» were associated with various stone, less often metal, products, namely, drilled Neolithic and Eneolithic stone axes, Paleolithic spearheads, sharp points, flint knives, bronze arrowheads, etc. They also include fulgurites (sand that melted from a lightning strike) and belemnites (fossilized molluscs), etc. We can say that stone and metal axes performed the function of amulets, obviously, for the higher strata of society at that time and were «healing» means that were consecrated by the church and used by the population. It should be mentioned that «heavenly axes in a golden frame» are known in Byzantium, and the fact of the consecration of an ax by a bishop from Scandinavian warriors is recorded in written sources.
It is much more difficult to explain the presence of metal ornaments (fibulas) of previous eras in the Chorniv settlement and their content. We believe that these were relics somehow connected with the church and its saints. In Christian iconography, since Byzantine times, one of the elements of clothing in which Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, Saints and Great Martyrs were depicted was a clasp or fibula. It was used to fasten the edges of the hymantia, chlamydia, lazerna, that is, the upper parts of the clothes (cloaks) that covered the figures of the righteous Christians. Fibulas (they are also called zapons or agraphs) are especially often found on icons with images of holy martyrs and pious princes. Later, the image of fibulas on the cloaks of soldiers became a symbol of serving the Heavenly King — the Lord Jesus Christ and joining his Holy Army. So, we can assume that the fibula in the iconography symbolized belonging to the army that protected the Christian religion. It is not excluded that not only fibulas-fasteners were symbols of warriors defenders, but also real metal fibulas found under different circumstances or brought from places connected with the lives and exploits of the saints-great-martyrs could serve as Christian amulets for ancient Ukrainian warriors and be objects of veneration and adoration.
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