Scientific Research of Contemporary Chernivtsi Historians: Prospects of Integration in School Historical Education


  • Tamara Bohachyk Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University image/svg+xml
  • Maryna Gavryliuk Horishni Sherivtsi Supporting Institution of General Secondary Education of I-III degrees



civic and historical education, regional historical area studies, Chernivtsi researchers, scientific research, lessons of history of Ukraine


The authors focus on the use of regional historical local history in the lessons of civic and historical educational branches of secondary education institutions. It is substantiated that the study of microhistory contributes to the development of cognitive activity of schoolchildren and the formation and development of their competencies. It is proved that in order to strengthen the actualization of the appeal to the history of the «small Motherland»; it is worth using the scientific works of Chernivtsi researchers. Specific examples of the application of integration into school historical education of scientific and local history studies of modern scientists of the region are given. It is emphasized that they open up significant opportunities for detailing little-known pages of history, highlighting its individual details and personifying events and phenomena of the past, depicting the «history of everyday life».
The article deals with the possibility of integrating scientific local history studies through the prism of a problem-thematic approach and the implementation of cross-cutting content lines of the educational program on the history of Ukraine into the school course of civic and historical educational branches. The authors also propose to use individual excerpts from scientific works of local researchers in the process of preparing student projects on the history of their native land. At the same time, the importance of using applied local history material in extracurricular research activities of students is substantiated using specific works as an example.
It is noted that the selected local history material in civic and historical education lessons should correlate with the educational topic and constitute an appropriate educational value in the implementation of students’ value orientations. It is substantiated that the processing under the guidance of a teacher of excerpts from individual works of Chernivtsi scientists will contribute to the formation of chronological and spatial subject competencies, as well as axiological competence. Reasoned and appropriate integration of regional scientific research will motivate students to their own research into microhistory.

Author Biographies

Tamara Bohachyk, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

PhD in History, Deputy Director of the Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education of Chernivtsi Region, Assistant Professor, Department of History of Ukraine

Maryna Gavryliuk, Horishni Sherivtsi Supporting Institution of General Secondary Education of I-III degrees

Teacher of History, Director


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How to Cite

Bohachyk, T., & Gavryliuk, M. (2024). Scientific Research of Contemporary Chernivtsi Historians: Prospects of Integration in School Historical Education. History Journal of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, (60), 77–87.