The Features of the Development of Medical Science in Ancient Egypt




Ancient Egypt, medical knowledge, ancient Egyptian medical texts


In the field of medical knowledge, the ancient Egyptians achieved significant success. Their interest in medicine, treatment of the sick, a purposeful scientific approach to various diseases, and a rather complex formula for preparing various medicines – all of this is impressive even for modern specialists.
This article explores the features of the development of various branches of medical science among the ancient Egyptians, traces the connection between medicine and religion, and analyzes the relationship between magic and science in the process of treating patients.
In Ancient Egypt, medicine held one of the dominant positions in the development of the scientific and practical knowledge of the ancient Egyptians. Undoubtedly, modern science owes much to it. Papyruses containing important information regarding the development of medical knowledge in Ancient Egypt have survived to this day. The advancement of medical knowledge contributed to the improvement of the population's health in ancient Egypt, broadened the knowledge of ancient Egyptians in combating various types of diseases, and gradually helped to prevent depopulation.
Ancient Egyptian doctors specialized in treating various diseases. They had at their disposal sets of medical instruments, which allowed them to perform complex surgeries, including trepanation of the skull. A significant achievement of ancient Egyptian medicine was the invention of an effective method of embalming the bodies of the deceased.
The papyruses that have reached us contain a significant number of different recipes. Based on the study of these recipes, modern scientists have managed to decipher the names of some plants. Among these plants, there are those that are still successfully used in pharmacology today.
The significant achievements of the ancient Egyptians in developing rational treatment methods did not hinder the close connection between ancient Egyptian medicine and magic. However, in Ancient Egypt, the influence of magic on traditional medicine was considerably less than in other ancient Eastern states.
The medicine of Ancient Egypt had a noticeable influence on the development of ancient medicine. Ancient Egyptian formulas continued to be used for a long period in medieval Arabic and European medicine. Even some modern doctors successfully apply ancient Egyptian methods in treating certain illnesses.

Author Biography

Olena Kozholianko, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

PhD in History, Associate Professor, Department of World History


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How to Cite

Kozholianko, O. (2024). The Features of the Development of Medical Science in Ancient Egypt. History Journal of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, (60), 88–100.