Lutsk in the interwar period: Features of the Ukrainian educational process and educational institutions
Main Article Content
Scientific research is devoted to an interesting and multifaceted problem of regional history: the study of the peculiarities of the Ukrainian educational process of educational institutions in Lutsk, which in the period between the two world wars was the voivodship center of the Second Commonwealth.
The study period is due to a number of features related to the entry of Western Volhynia in general, and Lutsk, Zokerem, part of Poland and active state intervention in all spheres of socio-political, economic, cultural and religious life of the region. The consequence of such a policy was the change of the image of Lutsk from a provincial city to the center of Polish political, socio-economic and cultural life in Volhynia.
Along with these positive changes, Lutsk is experiencing a number of difficult processes during the period under study, primarily due to difficulties in resolving the national issue, which manifested itself through oppression of the Orthodox Church, Ukrainian schooling, national culture, etc.
The experience of studying interwar Lutsk is, to a large extent, an illustrative example of interethnic coexistence, multinational urban structure and the interaction of different national cultures. Therefore, the proposed study not only enriches and expands the history of the city, but also highlights previously unexplored narrow historical aspects.
The author emphasizes that the peculiarity of the educational processes in Lytsk in the interwar period was that the educational process was completely controlled and determined by the power of the Second Commonwealth and generally corresponded to them in general. Widespread methods of this policy were the oppression of Ukrainian-language schools, the creation of bilingual schools, and interference in the educational process of the Polish government.
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