The Soviet system of institutional care and upbringing of children in the western regions of Ukraine after World War II
Main Article Content
This research constitutes a relatively new area which has emerged from the previous study on the Soviet system of institutional care and upbringing of children, in particular, an established system of orphanages in the western regions of Ukraine after World War II. It should be noted that the issue of dealing with street children was of a significant political and ideological value and required considerable financial investments.
Importantly, there is evidence that the problem of child homelessness has played a pivotal role for many years. Since, not every child in Ukraine had the opportunity to grow up in a favorable family environment as well as stabilize their family housing situations or home life. By and large, push-pull factors that contribute to child neglect and social orphanhood are multi-faceted; these factors include poverty of families, economic difficulties as well as deprivations from basic human needs. Therefore, the Soviet system of institutional care and upbringing of children established various education institutions, in particular, secondary boarding schools and orphanages.
Overall, the social care system of the 40-50s of the twentieth century has much resemblance with the current situation in Ukraine (in the context of Russo-Ukrainian War), including a new wave of orphans. In those times, children who lost their parents or could not get in contact with them; children from low-income families; children from one-parent families were sent to orphanages. They were kept there until they received incomplete secondary or even comprehensive education. Moreover, it was noted that the category of special orphanages included boarding houses for disabled children – the blind, the deaf-and-dumb. Namely, since 1945 there were 4 such boarding houses in the western regions of Ukraine.
The author’s focus revolves around the problem of the-then Soviet society’s education system, which facilitated both educational process management and developing labor skills in orphanages. Upon turning 16, children, when leaving orphanages, were given a referral for employment in state and public enterprises, institutions and organizations. At the same time, they were given a chance to continue their studies in educational institutions of the labor reserves system, they could proceed with their vocational education and training for craft apprentice and train engine drivers, vocational (plants and factories) schools, whilst disabled pupils were transferred to homes of disabled people. The entire system of vocational training in orphanages was primarily focused on unskilled workers.
Noteworthy, the conveniences and facilities of post-war orphanages and boarding schools left much to be desired. Assessing orphanages’ amenities and quality of life, it is worth mentioning that in the post-war years of the twentieth century, children who were living outside the normal boundaries of family like the others, experienced a shortage in basic needs. Most people were malnourished, were living in poor conditions and were wearing out pre-war outfit and shoes. For children, who survived the famine and experienced occupation sufferings, vagrancy and begging, the orphanage served as a secured shelter.
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