Ukrainian Chumaks Phenomenon in the Works of Scientists

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Liliia Drobina


The article is dedicated to the issues of studying the fairly traditional craft of the Ukrainian people – Chumak business (Chumatstvo). It is considered as a phenomenon, a unique business and household phenomenon in the history of Ukraine. The history of the Chumatstvo covers the 15th-19th centuries. And they began to study this phenomenon in detail only in the 19th-20th centuries. Most part of researchers did not consider Chumatstvo as an independent phenomenon of the historical existence of the Ukrainian people, but exclusively as a continuation of the Cossacks. They were interested in the origin of the word «Chumak», authentic means of transportation of carts, and the Ukrainian breed of gray oxen. Rich material on Chumak customs had been preserved in the works of ethnographic expeditions and artworks of the 19th century, but the most interesting source was Chumak folklore, namely Chumak songs. Based on these developments, the originality of the material and spiritual culture of the Chumatstvo is proved. The psychological type of Chumak was formed in the conditions of the Ukrainian Steppe and Forest-Steppe, it incorporated the mentality of the Ukrainian people – the farmer and the Cossack, supplementing with merchant features. Relations between the Chumaks were based on mutual assistance and mutual aid and provided for the protection of the person and property of comrades. Ukrainian fraternities, which were formed in the cities as part of artisan and merchant guilds, were reflected in the Chumaks caravans. Chumak community turned out to be quite viable, as it was able to survive almost unchanged until the middle of the 19th century. Its decline was caused by economic changes, including the reorientation from independent trade to carriage, the emergence of railways and steamships; social and property stratification of Chumatstvo; changes in social psychology. Chumaks, as an active component of the Ukrainian ethnic group, played a prominent role in the nation creating process.

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How to Cite
Drobina, L. (2020). Ukrainian Chumaks Phenomenon in the Works of Scientists. History Journal of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, (51), 104–112. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Liliia Drobina, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

PhD in History, Assistant Professor, the Department of History of Ukraine


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