Coverage of the Jewish Question in the Russian Empire During the First World War in the Columns of the Newspaper «Kievlyanin»
Jews, Jewish question, the First World War, Russian Empire, V.V. Shulgin, A. I. Savenko, Progressive NationalistsAbstract
The First World War became a fateful ordeal for all peoples of the multinational Russian Empire, first of all, for the six million Jewish people, whose representatives found themselves in the role of hostages in their own country. The Jewish question, which the Russian autocracy tried to resolve in previous decades, became extremely acute during the war years. The Romanovs’ policy of state anti-Semitism turned out to be a strategic problem for the Russian government, which sought to overcome the consequences of the economic, social and political crisis that engulfed Russia already in the first year of the war. The «Fight for the Jews’ Rights» unfolded with renewed vigor in the columns of the leading publications of the Russian Empire, among which the prominent place belonged to «Kievlyanin», which was an influential «literary and political periodical of the South-Western region» of the Russian Empire edited by V.V. Shulgin.
There were analyzed 106 news reports and editorials about the situation of the Russian Empire Jews from July 22, 1914 to March 1, 1917. It has been proven that Jewish issues, especially the Jewish question, were topical in the columns of the daily newspaper. In particular, materials were published about the Jews’ «economic damage», for example, that they were to blame for the shortage of cars at the stations of the South-Western Railway; about the abuse of Jewish doctors and pharmacists; about monopolization of sugar and coal supply by «Jewish» banks and syndicates; about the decision of the British government regarding Russian Jewish emigrants who evaded military service; about the stay of Jewish hostages from the territories of Austria-Hungary occupied by the Russian Empire, including former Chernivtsi burgomaster S. Weisselberger, in the Narym region; about Jewish refugees in Moscow; on the preparation of a new circular of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, according to which some restrictions for Jewish entrepreneurs were allegedly abolished, etc.
The conclusions state that the Jewish question itself became a separate subject for V.V. Shulgin’s political and philosophical considerations, which, according to the author of the article, were not distinguished by the coherence of ideas. On the one hand, the leader of the «progressive nationalists» in the State Duma advocated the emancipation of Russian Jews, but on the other hand, he considered it a «mercy of the Russians». V.V. Shulgin rightly criticized the autocracy for inconsistency in its policy on the Jewish question, but at the same time he was not sure that the Russians would «endure the equality of the Jews». However, despite some differences in the views of the Russian conservatives on the Jewish question, which were connected with the events of the First World War, and even in the last years of the existence of the Romanov monarchy, «Kievlyanin» remained an influential conservative magazine, in the columns of which the problem of Jewish equality was considered through the prism of the «Russian question», namely, the question of the place and role of Russians in the post-war Russian state.
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