Ethnic identity and its Ukrainian variety
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The article argues that ethnic identity means one of the forms of self-consciousness of an individual or group of people, which is based on their sense of belonging to a particular ethnic community. The foundation of ethnic identity is a set of anthropological and cultural-symbolic features rooted in historical memory (common origin, language, religion, place of residence, traditions, customs, etc.). Under certain conditions, identification with an ethnic group stimulates the self-organization of the ethnic community on the basis of ethnic interests and needs, as well as provides self-defence in situations of interethnic tension. It determines the tone of interpretation of historical experience and orientational cultural priorities, mostly turned to the past. Ethnic identity is based on the «voice of blood» and is rooted in the peculiarities of the psychological composition, temperament, ethno-demographic potential of people who are its representatives.
The existence of an ethnic form of group identity or territorial patriotism has no special political significance until it unites with the idea of a nation. As for the Ukrainian variety of ethnic identity, it was formed in accordance with the principles set out above throughout the history of the Ukrainian people, from the times of Kyivan Rus to the present. Awareness of the unity of the ethnic group, defined as the Ukrainian people, at different times had different degrees of depth and different territorial and tribal content.
The author came to the conclusion that after gaining independence there were contradictions and internal weakness of the Ukrainian state, as the peaceful nature of the national revolution was not accompanied by adequate renewal of power structures. Accordingly, all mechanically adopted Western recipes for building market relations, etc., not supported by a reliable regulatory framework and not based on socio-psychological, moral, professional preparedness of society, gave the exact opposite of the desired results.
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