Socio-Political and Cultural-Educational Activities of the Ukrainian Literary Intelligentsia in Stanyslaviv and Stanyslaviv Area at the End of the XIX – Beginning of the XX Century


  • Mykola Huivaniuk Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University



Galicia, Stanyslaviv, Stanyslaviv district, Stanyslaviv gymnasium, «Prosvita» in Stanyslaviv, literary intelligentsia


At the end of the 19th – at the beginning of the 20th century the city of Stanyslaviv and the Stanyslaviv district of Galicia occupied a strategically advantageous geographical position, which significantly influenced the development of the Ukrainian national movement.
Proximity to Lviv, the main cultural and political centre of Galicia, ensured easy communication and exchange of ideas between activists. Via Lviv there was a connection with Vienna, where Ukrainian politicians were able to lobby for their interests. Stanyslaviv was an important point on the way of communication between Galicia and Great Ukraine, especially with Kyiv, thanks to the railway connection with Ternopil.
The highways passing through the city were keys to the connection with Hutsul region and Transcarpathia, allowing the activists of the national movement to contact with Ukrainians from different regions of the empire. All this contributed to the fact that at the beginning of the 20th century Stanyslaviv turned into one of the leading centres of the Ukrainian national movement, where the number and activity of the Ukrainian intelligentsia were growing, which organized cultural and political events. Proximity to borders with other regions provided easy access to external ideas and influences, which contributed to the growth of national consciousness among the local population.
In the 1980s and 1990s creative intelligentsia stood out in Galicia, in particular artists, actors, musicians, writers and journalists. Due to financial difficulties, most of them had additional classes to ensure material well-being. A special place among the creative intelligentsia was occupied by writers, journalists and editors of Ukrainian publications. They were known to the general public of Ukrainians for their creativity, which often rose pressing social issues. Representatives of the literary intelligentsia mostly came from the peasant environment and the clergy, which provided them a close connection with Ukrainian national traditions.
Stanyslaviv became a home centre for the Zaklynskyi family, and was also an important centre for the future writer K. Malytska. The city had a well-developed educational system, including gymnasiums with the Ukrainian language of instruction. Stanyslaviv was often visited by I. Franko, who spoke before the local Ukrainian community. The activity of «Prosvita» society contributed to the cultural development of the region and provided support to local writers.

Author Biography

Mykola Huivaniuk, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

PhD in History, Associate Professor, Department of History of Ukraine


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How to Cite

Huivaniuk, M. (2024). Socio-Political and Cultural-Educational Activities of the Ukrainian Literary Intelligentsia in Stanyslaviv and Stanyslaviv Area at the End of the XIX – Beginning of the XX Century. History Journal of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, (59), 15–21.

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