Constructing the Image of Regis Russiae in the Statehood Trend of Ukrainian Historical Thought in the First Third of the 20th Century
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The article is devoted to the study of the history of the image of Prince and King Danylo Romanovych in the statehood trend of Ukrainian historical thought in the first third of the XX century. The formation of the image of King Danylo as a monarch of the first Ukrainian national state – the GalicianVolyn principality was traced in the studies of M. Hrushevskyi and S. Tomashivskyi.
The intellectual work of M. Hrushevskyi and his scheme-concept of the history of Ukraine had a significant impact on the formation of the scientific outlook of the circle of scientists who clearly declared their departure from narodnyks ideas in historiography. The author substantiates the main methodological principles of work, reviews the state of study of the scientific problem in the literature, and describes the sources used to realize the goal and objectives. Suggested studies about King Danylo Romanovych were hold due to the methodological constructs of the phenomenon of memoria in the statehood trend of Ukrainian historical thought. An important role is devoted to understanding the basic terms of memory discourse, which became the core of the implementation of the ideas of the author in the work. Among them, we distinguish the concept of memory and its forms, the phenomenon of the nation, collective and cultural identity, social and individual consciousness.
The author traces the manifestation of the significant expertise of scientists-statesmen and their fruitful work with historical sources. It is indicated that the researchers quite carefully defined the place of Danylo Romanovych in their historical narrative, leaving no place for the ruler’s «Galicity».
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