Representation of Cinematographic Postmemory about Symon Petlіura on the Example of the Movie «P.K.P.»
motion picture, construction, memory, image, consciousnessAbstract
The proposed study focuses on the problem of the conflict of memories of Symon Petliura in modern Ukraine. Looking for reasons for the ambiguous perception of the figure of the Chief Otaman, the author draws readers’ views on ways to construct the image of «alien / enemy» in the Soviet Union.
One example of this ideological mechanism of influencing public consciousness has been and remains the way to visualize the memory of the past with the help of films. The construction of memory in the cultural space has concentrated all possible mechanisms of influence on the social consciousness, especially cinema. The Bolsheviks realized very early on the huge role of cinema as a means of influencing mass culture. With the help of cinema, the party leadership sought to form a «correct» view of reality, thus educating the people in the spirit of «communism and internationalism».
The film «P.K.P» became a vivid embodiment of the Soviet propaganda machine and contributed to the formation of the image of «Petliura-enemy». The film has long been out of research attention and only at the beginning of the 21st century became available to the mass public. An important role in the creation of the film was played by the figure of Yurii Tiutiunnyk – General of the Army of the Ukrainian National Republic. Based on his memory, we can reconstruct in details the historical background of the film.
The Chief Otaman continues to be the embodiment of controversy in the cultural memory of Ukrainians – a hero of the Ukrainian revolution and a traitor.
Bilshovyk, 27 zhovtnia, 1923, c. 1. DOI:
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