Cultural and Educational Activities of Ukrainian District School Council of Pokuttia in the Period of the West Ukrainian People’s Republic (November 1918 – May 1919)

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Andrii Korolko


Cultural and educational activities of Ukrainian district school council of Pokuttiain the periodof the West Ukrainian People’s Republic is described in the article; the peculiarities of the legislative ensuring of the process of the national school development are studied; the relations of the Ukrainians with other ethnic communities in the national and cultural sphere are highlighted. In the research the author came to the conclusion confirming that residents of Pokuttia actively took part in the reformation of the national and cultural sphere following the norms of the official legislation of The West Ukrainian People’s Republic; the work of the district school councils was various – from the organization the teachers’ meetings, conferences to the convocations of preparatory courses for pupils, management of the teaching process in district schools; in spite of the declaring international peace, concord and partnership by the authority of The West Ukrainian People’s Republic there were cultural and educational processes in the form of the Ukrainian-Polish confrontation and intentions of the Ukrainian-Jewish dialogue in Pokuttia.

Keywords: Pokuttia, education, school, State Secretariat of education and religion, districtschool council, teachers’ meeting, Ukrainian-Jewish relations, Ukrainian-Polish relations

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How to Cite
Korolko, A. (2018). Cultural and Educational Activities of Ukrainian District School Council of Pokuttia in the Period of the West Ukrainian People’s Republic (November 1918 – May 1919). History Journal of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, (47), 80–97. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Andrii Korolko, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

PhD in History, Associate Professor, the Department of History of Ukraine