Ukrainian Literary Intelihentsiia of Galicia and Bukovyna in Relations with NTSH (end of the XIX – beginning of XX century)

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Mykola Huivaniuk


In the article it is noted that after the transformation of the society in 1898 into the scientific,representatives of the Ukrainian literary intelligentsia of Galicia and Bukovyna mainly concentrated in the philological section and the language commission. Their activities consisted of direct participation in the meetings of the relevant sections and commissions and the publication of their works in the editions of the Society «Notes of the NTSh» and «Literary and Scientific Herald».

It is traced that among the Ukrainian writers in the publications of NTSh have the largest publications: I. Franko, M. Hrushevskyi, O. Makovei, V.  Okhrymovych, Yu. Romanchuk, V.  Hnatiuk, K. Studynskyi, M.  Pavlyk, M. Vozniak, F. Kolessa, S. Smal-Stotskyi and M. Fediushka (Ievshan).

It was shown that certain representatives of the literary intelligentsia, namely: O. Barvinskyi, Yu. Romanchuk and M. Hrushevskyi, took practical part in organizing the company’s activities and at different times were its leaders.

Keywords: Galicia, Bukovyna, literary intelligentsia, NTSh, O.  Barvinskyi, M. Hrushevskyi

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How to Cite
Huivaniuk, M. (2018). Ukrainian Literary Intelihentsiia of Galicia and Bukovyna in Relations with NTSH (end of the XIX – beginning of XX century). History Journal of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, (47), 15–22. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Mykola Huivaniuk, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

PhD in History, Associate Professor, the Department of History of Ukraine

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