Models of the lipovans’ integration into the multi-ethnic environment of bukovyna: from preservation of ethno-cultural identity to non-ethnic and globalization impacts
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The article under study highlights the process of resettlement and adaptation of Old Believers in the multi-ethnic environment of Bukovyna in the late 18th – early 20th centuries. The representatives of the Austrian administration of the region were active supporters of involving the Lipovans, motivating their perspective for Vienna officials by the fact that the new settlers, owing to their hard work and practical farming skills, will be able to influence positively the economic development of Bukovyna.
The author verifies the evidences of contemporaries who confirm that the anticipations of local officials were largely satisfied – the Lipovans were quite successfully integrated into the economic life of their new homeland. The Old Believers were promptly associated with hard-working and enterprising people, who generally led a healthy lifestyle, preserving their ethno-cultural identity.
The researchers affirm that quite a lot of traditional elements of material and spiritual culture were preserved for a long time, although certain changes took place in the course of time under the influence of non-ethnic factors in the environment of the Lipovans of Bukovyna. The main factor that facilitated the preservation of the traditional way of life of the Old Believers was the system of prohibitions and prescriptions of a religious and moral-ethical nature. Simultaneously, under the influence of scientific and technical progress, there is a partial recession of clearly regulated canons among the Lipovans, a gradual attachment to the technical benefits of civilization.
The consequences of the globalization processes influence can be considered as a recess of an isolated way of life, contacts with representatives of other ethnic groups and confessions, which resulted in certain changes in the everyday and ritual spheres, the spreading of the practice of marriages with non-believers, the transition to Orthodoxy of the Nikon’s model, etc.
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