The Bukovynian lipovans: Emergence on the territory of the region and the meaning of the ethnonym in the oral tradition

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Ivan Vorotniak


In this article, the author analyzes the content of oral evidence available among the Bukovynian Lipovans about the time and circumstances of the resettlement of their ancestors to the territory of the region, as well as the etymology of the ethno-confession name «Lipovans». As the researchers note, among modern Old Believers there are still oral stories that record the process of settling in the possessions of the Habsburgs. Usually, representatives of the older generation act as carriers of the oral tradition, who, in turn, heard stories from their parents. They pass on information to the next generation. Almost all Lipovans, despite their age, demonstrate their awareness in this matter. Note that their level of awareness depends on their personal interest in their own past and on the amount of accumulated facts. Usually such legends exist in the form of a tribal tradition.
In the folk environment, several variants of legends about the appearance of the ethnonym «Lipovans» have developed. They are based on: a) characteristics of the terrain; b) the names of the original settlements; c) the names of the leaders. The most popular opinion is that the first settlers settled in linden forests, that is, the term «lipovan» comes from the name of the linden tree.
Bukovynian Lipovans called themselves that, not seeing anything sane in it. As the informants themselves explained, this was done so that the Russians would not find out about them. Researchers consider this explanation logical, given the previous persecution after the reform of Patriarch Nikon.
In everyday life, a certain distinction was formed in the use of terms, each of which occupied its own sphere: in everyday use and in publications on everyday topics – «Lipovans»; in publications that cover the life of the community – «Russian-Lipovanі»; in church life – «Old Believers». Such a division of spheres of application also determines the further coexistence of the ethnonym «Lipovans» and the accompanying designations of the Bukovynian Old Believers diaspora.

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How to Cite
Vorotniak, I. (2022). The Bukovynian lipovans: Emergence on the territory of the region and the meaning of the ethnonym in the oral tradition. History Journal of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, (55), 145–154.
Author Biography

Ivan Vorotniak, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

PhD in History, Associate Professor, Department of World History


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