Modern forms of handicraftsmanship preservation and promotion (taking Kosiv Museum of Hutsul Folk Art and Life as an example)




The author of the article expounds modalities of Kosiv Museum of Hutsul Folk Art and Life activities, cultural and educational, in particular. It is found out that the regional museum centres carry out an important mission to collect, house and learn about the handmade artefacts. The factual material is analysed, which indicates that the museum is highly ranked in terms of preservation of the traditional arts and crafts of Hutsul region. The museum staff has developed a certain concept, the goal of which is to coordinate activities of both the artists and educational institutions, in order to popularize the historical and cultural legacy of Hutsul region. The museum staff is the initiator and co-organizer of various exhibitions, fairs, master classes and displays of folk arts and crafts.

 Young people are involved in practical classes on traditional crafts during art events with folk artisans and interactive games. Interactive digital media, tours, lectures, theatre performances, folklore and musical performances are used in the museum expositions to achieve the educational goal. Displays of works by folk and amateur masters, artists of professional decorative and applied art are at the forefront of the museum activities. The main place, among various events, is occupied by exhibitions dedicated to the disappearing Hutsul traditions, clothing, in particular. The innovative elements, which are manifested in the support of the contemporary art and implementation of the original art projects, have become traditional. The museum holds unique exhibitions, in which all exhibits are accessible to people with severe visual impairments.

The material analysed proves that the museum activities are an important part of the life of Hutsul region in the field of culture and art. The museum vernissages help increase the cultural level of the audience and their approximation for understanding of how important it is to preserve the material and spiritual legacy of Ukrainian people.

Keywords. Kosiv Museum of Hutsul Folk Art and Life, arts and crafts, artisans, artists, preservation, popularization, handicraftsmanship, exhibitions, material and spiritual legacy.

Author Biography

Halyna Melnychuk, Kosiv Institute of Applied and Decorative Arts of Lviv National Academy of Arts

PhD in History, Assistant Professor of the Department of History of Art and Liberal Sciences


Kosivskyi muzei narodnoho mystetstva ta pobutu Hutsulshchyny[Kosiv Museum of Hutsul Folk Art and Way of Life] [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: http://hutsul. Museum /museum /structure/kosiv
Statut vseukrainskoi hromadskoi orhanizatsii «Ukrainskyi komitet Mizhnarodnoi Rady Muzeiv» [Kosiv Museum of Hutsul Folk Art and Way of Life] [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: с.7].
V Kosivskomu muzei vidkrylas unikalna vystavka vustavok hutsulskykh sorochok[Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: http://frankivchany. if. ua/ 41318-
V. Molyn, Vystavka zhyvopysu Sviatoslava Martyniuka [Painting exhibition by Sviatoslav Martyniuk] [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу:
V. Yaremyn, «Evakuiovanu kolektsiiu» prezentuvaly v Kosovi [Evacuated collection presented in Kosiv] [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу:
V. Yaremyn, Khudozhnyk Andrii Pushkarov predstavyv kolektsiiu unikalnykh avtorskykh vytynanok [Andrii Pushkarov, the artist, presents a collection of unique original vytynankas (openwork ornaments cut out with either scissors or a knife from folded in two, four, eight times white or colored paper; geometric or floral ornament, sometimes anthropomorphic)] [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу:
V. Yaremyn, Zymovyi styl vid hutsuliv: keptari ta huni zavzhdy v trendi [Winter style a la Hutsul: sheepskin vests and hunias (woolen coats) are always on trend] [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу: http://prostir. museum/ ua/ post/ 40278
V.Iaremyn «Odiah, liudy i mystetstvo» [Clothing, people and art] [Електронний ресурс] [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу :
V.Yaremyn, Anatolii Kalytko — «Z liuboviu do Hutsulshchyny» [Anatolii Kalytko — To Hutsulshchyna with Love] [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу:
Yu. Dzhuraniuk, Rizdviana vystavka v muzei [Christmas exhibition at the museum] [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу :
Yu.Dzhuraniuk, 130-richnyi yuvilei khudozhnyka [the 130th jubilee of the artist] [Електронний ресурс]. – Режим доступу:



How to Cite

Melnychuk, H. (2019). Modern forms of handicraftsmanship preservation and promotion (taking Kosiv Museum of Hutsul Folk Art and Life as an example). History Journal of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, (50), 64-69.