Bukovyna in the Structure of Goods Import of Interwar Romania

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Oleksandr Rusnak
Liliia Horodynska


In the interwar period, the importance of Bukovyna as a centre for the import of goods increased. Chernivtsi became an important centre for the import of goods to a large part of Romania, supplying imported goods to all the neighbouring counties of Bukovyna.
Import grew rapidly during the 1920s, but the Great Depression almost completely halted import of manufactured goods and luxury goods. The economic crisis of the late 1930s also had a negative impact on the main indicators of import.
First of all, merchants from Chernivtsi imported various machines for industry, electrical goods, and photo and radio goods. Car trading of European and American brands developed. Merchants of Chernivtsi after World War I also successfully imported fabrics and textile products. «Colonial» goods (coffee, tea, tropical fruits, cocoa, mackerel, and rice) and mineral waters were popular. Stationery, fiction writing and scientific literature, musical instruments, glass and porcelain products, various medicines and chemicals, coal and coke, raw materials for soap production were imported.

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How to Cite
Rusnak, O., & Horodynska, L. (2023). Bukovyna in the Structure of Goods Import of Interwar Romania. History Journal of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, (58), 117–123. https://doi.org/10.31861/hj2023.58.117-123
Author Biographies

Oleksandr Rusnak, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

PhD in History, Assistant Professor, the Department of History of Ukraine

Liliia Horodynska, West Ukrainian National University

PhD in History, Teacher, Vinnytsia Educational and Scientific Institute of Economics


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